Hi everybody. First, let me apologize for the multiple cross post. I think
it is good to show the Smalltalk community periodically the status of GSoC.

The good news in this case is that yesterday the students started to code!
This was one of the GSoC deadlines that you can read in
http://gsoc2010.esug.org/ and in

Last two weeks or so, students have been talking and discussing with their
mentors, reading and investigating about the projects. Some students already
started to code before. But yesterday was the official day to start to code.

For those that didn't know, we got not 5 but 6 projects. We asked more and
they gave us one more ;)
Once again, if you want to look at the 6 selected projects, see

We already told students to ask in case of problems or questions to their
mentors but also to the community (trough the mailing list). So, let's help
them! Students: don't be shy. Ask! ;)

Good luck to all students and enjoy this wonderful opportunity you have. Now
we are in the best part of the program!

Best regards,

Mariano Martinez Peck
GSoC admin
Pharo-project mailing list

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