On Tue, Apr 07, 2015 at 09:38:37AM -0700, garduino wrote:
> Is SmallCMS1 published somewhere?

I'll share some SmallCMS1's inner workings here:

- Content is in plain text file, written in Markdown. Metadata is in JSON at
the start of the content file.

- I use Seaside's HTML rendition engine. Entire site is rendered in
Smalltalk code, like how a Seaside application does. Currently calls out to
the Discount C library's executable through PipeableOSProcess to get HTML from
the Markdown content. I seem to recall that Petit Markdown exists, but haven't
tried it.

- I found Seaside's HTML-in-code style not so convenient when trying to
implement one particular fine looking open source Bootstrap skin. Maybe using
a templating mechanism like Mustache will make it easier. 

- Because my site is small, SmallCMS1 reads the entire content directory
tree into a tree-like (duh) structure. URLs are matched by walking the 
in-memory tree using simple string matching. I was going to say this prevents
the dot dot trick, but I thought I'd verify. Putting a halt in my code, I
now notice that Firefox processes ".." before it sends the request, so 
SmallCMS1 doesn't see the ".." at all, at least when using Firefox.

- Comment system is outsourced to Disqus. 

- I VNC into the image and use inspectors, workspaces, and browsers as
SmallCMS1's admin interface. I run my own VPS so I have Unix command line
access to the content directory.

SmallCMS1 is thus quite tied to the way I work.

I have not published SmallCMS1. Maybe SmallCMS2, if it ever happens... :-)


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