Re: [Pharo-users] Teapot load error - ZdcPluginMissing

2019-12-21 Thread BrunoBB
This is closed because is was fixed with: -- Sent from:

Re: [Pharo-users] External Module not found - LGitLibrary

2019-12-21 Thread BrunoBB
Hi, Finally i remember how i fixed this problem in the past. Just a small description for the record. libgit2.dll fail to load on startup on Pharo 7 on Windows (in this case 8). * Starting Pharo from launcher >> libgit2.dll load FAIL * Starting Pharo from command line >> libgit2.dll load FAIL *

Re: [Pharo-users] External Module not found - LGitLibrary

2019-12-21 Thread BrunoBB
Hi, Reboot the machine usually fixed the problem but not this time. Note: It happen on image startup. regards, bruno -- Sent from:

[Pharo-users] Teapot load error - ZdcPluginMissing

2019-12-20 Thread BrunoBB
Because of this: i'm trying to create a new image but i got a new error when loading Teapot: "ZdcPluginMissing: SSL/TLS plugin initailization failed (VM plugin missing ? OS libraries missing ?) " [ :exception | "Give a mor

Re: [Pharo-users] External Module not found - LGitLibrary

2019-12-20 Thread BrunoBB
The following also fail: DynamicLoader loadLibrary: 'C:\Users\Usuario\Documents\Pharo\vms\70-x64\libgit2.dll' -- Sent from:

Re: [Pharo-users] External Module not found - LGitLibrary

2019-12-20 Thread BrunoBB
Hi, Any idea how to fix this problem ? regards, bruno -- Sent from:

Re: [Pharo-users] External Module not found - LGitLibrary

2019-12-20 Thread BrunoBB
Hi, My problem is in Pharo 7 and also it happend randomly. But this time is not going away ... My Pharo 7 VM is installed in "C:\Users\Usuario\Documents\Pharo\vms\70-x64" If i remember correctly i have read there are some issues when is not installed in the default path. regards, bruno -- S

[Pharo-users] External Module not found - LGitLibrary

2019-12-19 Thread BrunoBB
Hi, Using Pharo on Windows time to time i got "External Module not found" for LGitLibrary. Not sure if i'm hitting: But this time the problem is not fixed. Other time after some trying to open the image in different way (PharoLaucher, fr

Re: [Pharo-users] Script to download specific Pharo version

2019-10-21 Thread BrunoBB
Hi, I forgot to mention the error while try to load Seaside is aFileDoesNotExistException. Here is the error: FileDoesNotExistException: '/tmp/' Image: Pharo7.0.4 [Build information: Pharo-7.0.4+build.168.sha.ccd1f6489120f58d

[Pharo-users] Script to download specific Pharo version

2019-10-21 Thread BrunoBB
Hi, We have a Linux script to build our image and was working well until recently. It seems that the failure is related (not confirmed yet) to Becuase it fail to load Seaside into the Pharo image. Is there any way to download a specific build o

Re: [Pharo-users] A Canticle for Smalltalk

2019-08-06 Thread BrunoBB
Sorry, The main phrase: Today, we continue to reap the rewards of this remarkable system. regards, bruno -- Sent from:

Re: [Pharo-users] A Canticle for Smalltalk

2019-08-06 Thread BrunoBB
/Yes. And I think it's even more sad than the containers example doesn't work anymore... AFAIK they replaced the system. / How accurate is this ? From: OOCL's Integrated Regional Information System, known

Re: [Pharo-users] Loading Gettext on already installed Seaside

2019-06-14 Thread BrunoBB
Well, This method exist on GetText GemStone version. So i'm not quite sure what is going on. Maybe GS and Pharo version are not synchronized. regards, bruno -- Sent from:

Re: [Pharo-users] Loading Gettext on already installed Seaside

2019-06-14 Thread BrunoBB
Paul, Thanks for the pointer now i have passed the conflict. But i got a DNU: NaturalLanguageTranslator>>domainRegistered: This method does not exist. It seems that the following entry hsa the fix: Close the walkback and

[Pharo-users] Loading Gettext on already installed Seaside

2019-06-14 Thread BrunoBB
Hi, I have a Pharo 7.0 image with Seaside installed on it. Now i want to add Gettext but i'm not able to do it yet. Metacello new baseline:'Seaside3'; repository: 'github://SeasideSt/Seaside:master/repository'; load: #('Seaside-Gettext-Core' 'Seaside-Gettext-Examples') Fail because 'Seaside-

Re: [Pharo-users] Bloc of code in tiers programming language

2019-05-15 Thread BrunoBB
Hi, Blocks are very useful when you need to evaluate code from an outside source. For example a BPM Process that have gateways with different conditions. To the Smalltalk system conditions come as Strings and convert them to Smalltalk objects is very easy: self evaluate: '[:process | process amou

Re: [Pharo-users] Pharo download with wget

2019-05-15 Thread BrunoBB
Hi, Thanks to all for information, this is finally fixed. On Centos 7.6 the fix is: sudo ln -s /usr/lib64/ /usr/lib64/ In process i also executed (not sure if it had a direct impact on the fix): sudo yum install libgit2 regards, bruno -- Sent from: http://for

Re: [Pharo-users] Pharo download with wget

2019-05-15 Thread BrunoBB
Sorry i forgot to mention Linux is Centos 7.6 regards, bruno -- Sent from:

Re: [Pharo-users] Pharo download with wget

2019-05-15 Thread BrunoBB
Ben, Thanks for the links, i will research further on this. Ted, libcurl is v4 [gemstone@localhost ~]$ locate /usr/lib64/ /usr/lib64/ /usr/lib64/ regards, bruno -- Sent from:

[Pharo-users] Pharo download with wget

2019-05-14 Thread BrunoBB
Hi, Pharo image is created with: wget -O- | bash So far so good . But the following sentence display an error: ./pharo Pharo.image eval 3+4 It answer 7 but also show some errors: [user@localhost linux-server-tools]$ ./pharo Pharo.image eval 3+4 ioLoadModule(/home/gemst

Re: [Pharo-users] Where does Pharo run?

2019-05-12 Thread BrunoBB
Hi, After searching a little bit i found: But maybe some from Pharo VM can address ARM subject in more detail... regards, bruno -- Sent from:

Re: [Pharo-users] Pharo 7 minimal or headless

2019-05-08 Thread BrunoBB
Hi Esteban, I'm looking for Pharo 64 minimal (to use in Linux) but i can not find any at it seems a Pharo 32 image not sure if i can use these files with a 64bit Pharo VM. regards, bruno -- Sent from:

Re: [Pharo-users] Pharo 7 minimal or headless

2019-05-08 Thread BrunoBB
Esteban, Thanks ! / Gracias ! regards, bruno -- Sent from:

[Pharo-users] Pharo 7 minimal or headless

2019-05-08 Thread BrunoBB
Hi, How i can get a Pharo minimal or without IDE ? Pharo Launcher has Pharo Minimal for Pharo 6 but there is none minimal for Pharo 7. regards, bruno PS: right now checking: -- Sent from:

Re: [Pharo-users] A4BP and BpmFlow

2019-04-22 Thread BrunoBB
Serge, I just read the PDF but i will need time to learn about other Workflow projects. But definitely in the long term we can collaborate but now i do not see any concrete step (because my lack of knowledge of the other projects). Maybe the more concrete step to do now is to ask how each projec

[Pharo-users] A4BP and BpmFlow

2019-04-20 Thread BrunoBB
Serge, I just created another thread to talk about both projects (we can discuss all here as Norbert request): A4BP BpmFlow Regards, Bruno -- Sent from:

Re: [Pharo-users] NewWave - WorkflowEngine

2019-04-17 Thread BrunoBB
Hi Sebastijan, Excellent work !!! I have something similar (a BPM engine) but developed with GemStone Smalltalk: Code: Documentation: It can be ported to Pharo, from the top of my head i see a couple of issues

Re: [Pharo-users] Pharo image crash with Seaside App

2019-04-10 Thread BrunoBB
Hi, It seems that the problem is fixed. Not sure why Pharo image went freeze because it was a Seaside problem. (maybe i should execute the same on GemStone/S to see the result). Also not sure why Control + "-" did not halt the execution. Even in one occasion make Windows 8 fail. The problem was

[Pharo-users] Pharo image crash with Seaside App

2019-04-10 Thread BrunoBB
Hi, Version: Pharo 7.0 OS: Windows 8. Which is the best way to get any error description when the Pharo image crash ? PharoDebug.log - does not have any information stderr - does not have any information Stoping the execution is not working ("Control" + "-")

Re: [Pharo-users] Load Tonel package from local folder

2019-03-07 Thread BrunoBB
Hi, Fixed: Iceberg enableMetacelloIntegration: false. I felt with this one again :) regards, bruno -- Sent from:

Re: [Pharo-users] Load Tonel package from local folder

2019-03-07 Thread BrunoBB
Hi, It seems that my previous image was corrupted. In new Fresh Image the error is the following: IceLibgitErrorVisitor>>visitGenericError: IceLibgitErrorVisitor>>visitERROR: LGit_GIT_ERROR>>acceptError: [ :error | location exists ifTrue: [ location ensureDeleteAll ]. error acceptError:

[Pharo-users] Load Tonel package from local folder

2019-03-07 Thread BrunoBB
Hi, I have a very simple Baseline: baselineOf: spec spec for: #common do: [ spec baseline: 'NeoJSON' with: [ spec repository: 'github://svenvc/NeoJSON:master/repository' ]. spec baseline: 'P3' with: [

Re: [Pharo-users] Teapot or Zinc adding extra node to JSON POST

2019-02-27 Thread BrunoBB
Esteban, You are right !, the client is the culprint :) Regards, bruno -- Sent from:

[Pharo-users] Teapot or Zinc adding extra node to JSON POST

2019-02-27 Thread BrunoBB
Hi, Using Teapot (which uses Zinc) i found something i do not know if it is a standard or done on purpose or a bug. A Teapot service (POST) accept a JSON entry. In the client the 'body' is set with the JSON. In the server the ZnRequest contents insert a JSON node 'body' to the original JSON. Th

Re: [Pharo-users] NeoJSON mapping question

2019-02-27 Thread BrunoBB
Hi Sven, Excellent !!! That exactly what i want. As an excuse i will say i'm one day old with NeoJSON :) mapping decoder: [:x | ] plus #atPath: made my day ! Thanks very much for you clear response. regards, bruno -- Sent from:

Re: [Pharo-users] NeoJSON mapping question

2019-02-25 Thread BrunoBB
Hi, Finally i found a much more acceptable solution :) neoJsonMapping: mapper "Map the receiver from a json with " mapper for: self do: [ :mapping | mapping mapAccessor: #locator mutator: #setLocator: to: 'booking'. ]. setLocator: aDictionary loc

Re: [Pharo-users] NeoJSON mapping question

2019-02-25 Thread BrunoBB
Hi, The following implementation do what i want without the need to create a class for each level of the JSON, however i really dislike my solution. neoJsonMapping: mapper "class side" "Map the receiver to a json with " mapper for: self do: [ :mapping | (mapping ma

[Pharo-users] NeoJSON mapping question

2019-02-25 Thread BrunoBB
Hi, How to set a path to JSON value in the mapping definition ? I mean i have a simple object with and instance variable but the value of this inst var is deep inside the JSON. mapping mapInstVar: #locator to: 'locator'. This fail because 'locator' is not in the first JSON level. Is possible t

Re: [Pharo-users] Pharo Object Serialization

2019-02-22 Thread BrunoBB
Peter, Yes i already read those posts. Maybe i will try and see but i highly doubt i will use it in production. Back in the old days i used it a lot with Dolphin Smalltalk, David Jorisek provided good support then. regards, bruno -- Sent from:

[Pharo-users] Pharo Object Serialization

2019-02-21 Thread BrunoBB
Hi, Which are the options for serialize objects in Pharo ? I know there is Fuel ( OmniBase is not supported any more. OmniBase was pretty cool even transactional !!! What are you using ? (of course there is GemStone/S but i was not able to convince my cl

Re: [Pharo-users] Iceberg Custom SSH Keys

2019-02-21 Thread BrunoBB
Hi, We are still looking into this issue but we have everything configurated: If i can fix it i will post it here. regards bruno -- Sent from:

[Pharo-users] Iceberg Custom SSH Keys

2019-02-21 Thread BrunoBB
Hi, Does Iceberg support a pair of key generated with PuTTY as RSA ? I can Push local changes with TortoiseGit client. But inside Pharo i get "Iceberg Authentication Error" when doing a Push. "Use custom SSH keys" is set but we use RSA keys generated with PuTTY. Maybe i'm missing something. r

Re: [Pharo-users] What does mean "Detached Working Copy" in Iceberg ?

2019-02-21 Thread BrunoBB
Excellent !!! -- Sent from:

[Pharo-users] What does mean "Detached Working Copy" in Iceberg ?

2019-02-21 Thread BrunoBB
Hi, We have in our server Gitolite instance running. >From Pharo System browser we commit changes to local path and with TortoiseGit we upload to the remote. So far so good but on Iceberg Repository Status i see "Detached Working Copy". What is the meaning of the message ? The the remote is no

Re: [Pharo-users] Pharo general questions for a commercial application

2019-02-20 Thread BrunoBB
Hi Esteban, Nice to see you here too... The web application will run Linux 64bits, the Pharo 64bits for Linux is stable or i should use a 32bit VM ? Thanks for all the information slowly but surely we will implement this app. Also it seems that Pharo has a very active community !!! regards, br

Re: [Pharo-users] Pharo general questions for a commercial application

2019-02-20 Thread BrunoBB
Sven, Thanks for you answer and links. SQL will be enough and no need for a complex ORM. I will take a look at: Thanks again ! regards, bruno PS: my client has an running Java app and need another app to do some functionality and they will give Sma

[Pharo-users] Pharo general questions for a commercial application

2019-02-19 Thread BrunoBB
Hi, My name is Bruno i'been using Smalltalk since 1999 for commercial applications, mostly Dolphin, GemStone/S and Visual Works. Now we have a commercial project and we are going to use Pharo :) So we have some general questions. 1) Which version of Pharo to use in a production deployment 6