After not lookng at it for I while, I tried the Gtk Spec bindings again on my
Xubuntu desktop and - this time - they worked. I was able to open a new
window using Spec-Gtk, the latest headless VM and the latest Pharo 9.
(Many thanks to all concerned).

But I've immediately hit the same issue as I've raised before with SLD
support (OSWindow) - it seems impossible to open a Gtk window without the
whole Pharo IDE being shown as well.

If I run the following command line - 

./pharo-ui Pharo.Image eval RunGtk execute

I get the Pharo IDE and a GTK window opened

If I run 

./pharo Pharo.Image eval RunGtk execute

I just get the string RunGtk returned. No window opens.

I presume this will work some time in the future. Otherwise what's the use
of Spec-Gtk (or OSWindow for that matter)? You might as well just use Spec
on Morphic.

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