
I have a PostgreSQL database on a remote host which I want to access using P3. 
I do have a username and a password and can connect via SQuirreL and DBeaver. 
Both use a JDBC driver. However, when I try to access it via Pharo and P3 I get 
the infamous "no pg_hba.conf entry for host <my IP address>“ error. The thing 
is that I cannot change the pg_hba.conf file as the server does not belong to 
me. I wonder why the JDBC driver does not run into this problem when connecting 
from my IP address? It must do something differently.

As I have just started playing with P3 (and PostgreSQL to be honest) I may be 
missing something fundamental. Using #setSSL did not help, by the way. Any 
other ideas I could try?


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