Hi guys - what’s the status of SUnit in Pharo, are fixes supposed to be applied 
upstream to some master SUnit project or do we propose fixes/improvements 

For example the method:

should: aBlock raise: anExceptionalEvent whoseDescriptionIncludes: substring 
description: aString 
        ^self assert: (self executeShould: aBlock inScopeOf: anExceptionalEvent 
withDescriptionContaining: substring)
                description: aString

The #executeShould:…. Is implemented in the subclass TestCase and not 
TestAsserter (is that a local pharo thing to do with Traits?) - the code critic 
shows an error - and it seems the Calypso doesn’t have an option to call these 
things out anymore?

But equally poking more - while I REALLY LOVE the fact that assert:equals: give 
me a useful diff browser on a failure - I REALLY HATE that there are many other 
examples where I don’t get the same useful UI - e.g.  
#should:raise:whoseDescriptionIncludes:description: is awful????

Given our community mostly invented unit testing - why is it so poorly fleshed 
out to do the right thing?

Along the same lines - when trying to write descriptive tests, why can’t I 
easily assert the existence of a substring in something and get an equally 
useful message? I recall mentioning this a few years ago and don’t remember why 
I got shot down - but honestly, this stops us writing helpful tests and keeps 
us in the stone ages?

Can we modernise this state of affairs so things are like the amazing diff 
browser (which I’m assuming is some sort of hack? Is the debug window pulling 
apart a TestResult to do this - am interested in how it does this, as I 
couldn’t figure it out?)


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