Edit report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=60832&edit=1

 ID:                 60832
 Comment by:         daniel at danielpage dot com
 Reported by:        info at jdhome dot net
 Summary:            run webserver in silent-mode for script
 Status:             Open
 Type:               Feature/Change Request
 Package:            Built-in web server
 Operating System:   winXP
 PHP Version:        5.4.0RC6
 Block user comment: N
 Private report:     N

 New Comment:


This is my quick and dirty workaround for the same problem. The window is not 
removed, but it just displays a status message and nothing else, and looks 

I use certain web processing scripts, but cannot install a full webserver. To 
work around this sort of problem, I have a CMD batch file that does some 
creative processing, the code is supplied below. The 
cmd file needs to be placed in the same directory as php.exe

The code echos a notification string to a temporary CMD, then echos the php.exe 
startup command to the temp CMD file, redirecting all output to nul (replace 
nul with a text file if you need to log), then 
using the windows start command, execute the temporary CMD file and call the 
window "LocalWebApp". This window will open, and just display the text "Local 
Web App Server. Close this window to stop using 
any Local Web Apps". The dev server will then be started silently in the window 
with no visible output. The script will then start your default browser and 
send you to the homepage of the dev server.

The script will then pause for one second (the ping is just because there is 
not a sleep command under windows and this simulates this), then delete the 
temporary file (in my full script I also have 
automatic random port generation and this is just cleanup). 


echo @echo Local Web App Server. Close this window to stop using any Local Web 
Apps >> startLocalWebApp12345.cmd
echo @php.exe -S -t c:\path\to\local\php\files\ ^> nul 2^>^&^1 
>> startLocalWebApp12345.cmd
start "LocalWebApp" startLocalWebApp12345.cmd
ping -n 2 >nul
del startLocalWebApp12345.cmd


Previous Comments:
[2012-05-03 20:18:56] roberts at x0 dot lv

It is not the purpose of built-in web server to be used in "silent mode" like 
that, therefore this is not a problem of PHP itself.

You could use some server manager or other 3rd party tools, e.g LIT Porter of 
mine, to start PHP process and then You can close control center window.

[2012-01-21 16:56:56] info at jdhome dot net

I want to run the built-in Webserver in silent Mode.
I love the ultramicro built-in-server to execute some scripts written in php by 
browsing an ultramicro-website or to generate file-overview to browse in.
The php-win isn't able to run that built-in server and so its not possible to 
run that server real quitly in background.
All i want is the built-in-server functions without that annoying cli-window :)
So please add the builtin-webserver in the php-win.exe!!


Edit this bug report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=60832&edit=1

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