Edit report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=32100&edit=1

 ID:                 32100
 Comment by:         matthias at die-legendaeren dot de
 Reported by:        ceefour at gauldong dot net
 Summary:            Request 'finally' support for exceptions
 Status:             Closed
 Type:               Feature/Change Request
 Package:            Feature/Change Request
 Operating System:   *
 PHP Version:        5.*
 Block user comment: N
 Private report:     N

 New Comment:

"Just going to say 'Me too!'? Don't clutter the database with that please !"

But this is the right place for a "me too": to prove that a statement from 12 
years ago was shortsighted and in a "works for me" way, developers (as 
who disagree have to group behind their request.

Previous Comments:
[2012-04-11 21:21:33] gudjonj at gmail dot com

+1 for finally in PHP

[2012-04-11 08:34:13] ravilov at gmail dot com

My two cents...

Here's an example of emulating "finally" in PHP without needing to duplicate 

$_ex = null;
try {
} catch (Exception $ex) {
    $_ex = $ex;
if ($_ex != null) {
    throw $_ex;

That said, I completely agree any current workaround/emulation/"solution" is 
nothing but cumbersome and bug-prone, and that we shouldn't have to come up 
with such creative ways to overcome what seems like a language design flaw. PHP 
is a tool, it is supposed to work *with* us, not *against* us.

[2012-04-03 13:08:00] andrew dot feller at gmail dot com

The demand for "finally" is a symptom of PHP not officially and explicitly 
addressing supported solutions to managing resources.  I cannot find anything 
within PHP documentation to address this:


So I recommend to move beyond inclusion of finalizers and start with educating 
constituents because there is an opportunity to resolve this and hopefully 
improve quality of work done by developers

[2012-01-02 12:02:49] frederic dot hardy at mageekbox dot net

I'm not sure that this place is the right place to discuss about that.
Since the last year, PHP has a process to discuss technical point, aka RFC 
So, if "finally" must be included in PHP, just write the relative RFC and 
it on internals.
Sure that time has changed, because PHP's users are more power now than in the 
past !

[2011-12-08 17:40:44] antoninweb at gmail dot com

I don't understand how this is not included when PHP supports try...catch. It 
doesn't makes sense and it's annoying because you have to find ways around it 


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