ID:               14636
 Comment by:       mhdskr at yahoo dot com
 Reported By:      kannan at tmsassociates dot com
 Status:           Bogus
 Bug Type:         Session related
 Operating System: windows 2000 professional
 PHP Version:      4.0.6
 New Comment:

I faced exactly the same problem : (USING W2K-IIS5/PHP4.3.7)

I take the login username and password and store it in the session and
then redirect to another page .. The first time I reach there the
session is not set. I hit browser back and re enter the login
information it works fine

The first login page contains html only - no php
I start the session in the second page that checks the login and
redirect to the third page

MY SOLUTION - it worked for me in this way! :
I added the following to the first (html-only) page :


Isn't it strange ?!?

Previous Comments:

[2004-08-03 07:38:51] venky at netkode dot com


I am facing the similar problems with Sessions. I register session
variables in the Login page and redirect through header to user area
and have one checklogin file which will check the sessionid and some
other session values. But here I am not able to get the values. This
issue is not occuring very often but out of 500 attempts one or two
complaints are coming up. Most of the cases are with I.E 6.0. Any work
around will be of great help.


[2004-07-16 06:30:23] anonymous at anonymous dot com

Yes I have recently seen this phenomenon.
Note that I am purposely NOT saving session data in cookies.

$_SESSION["foo"] = "bar";
header( "Location:foobar.php" );

On the remote Unix server running Apache I upload this to, it works
fine.  The session data is passed to foobar.php.
However on my local Windows machine, the session data is lost.  I end
up having to pass session data in the header myself.

header( "Location:foobar.php?" . Session_Name() . "=" . Session_ID()

It works but I'd rather not resort to that.


[2004-05-23 21:02:41] lorenzob at interia dot pl

I'm working on PHP 4.2.3 with Apache 1.3.9 and I've got the problem
mentioned above. After logging in I do the simple

$_SESSION['user'] = $_POST['login']

and as for that everythings fine. But when changing from test.php,
where above code is stored, into another page klient.php during the
same session the variable appears to be empty! In short, although the
variable is being registered fine it's not visible in other scripts,
what is an obvious denial of an idea of session variables.

Can anyone help? I've been fighting this one for over three days in
many ways but nothing seems to have an effect.


     header("Cache-control: private");
     $log = $_POST["login"];
     $pas = $_POST["pass"];


    header("Cache-control: private");

    $im = $log;
    $naz = $pas;
    echo "->".$im;

Big thanks in advance


[2004-04-13 18:58:04] fvincentis at yahoo dot com

Had the same problem on IIS with the php cgi. The session_write_close()
did it for me! It didn't write the session variables before, but now
they are stored even if a header redirect follows.


[2004-02-21 18:50:54] michael at graber dot org

Just found an annoying quirk (aka bug) in IE - after applying a
security patch, IE no longer sets cookies if the server or domain name
contain anything except alphanumerics (ie, no "_" or "-", etc.).

The symptom was that every page or refresh of the same page generated a
new session, and obviously no variables were passed from page to page.;EN-US;316112


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