ID:               9852
 Comment by:       nospam at nospam dot de
 Reported By:      ron dot baldwin at sourceprose dot com
 Status:           Closed
 Bug Type:         IIS related
 Operating System: Windows 2000
 PHP Version:      4.2.1
 New Comment:

To all the people complaining about the PHP developers:

Have you ever thought why you want so desperatly that PHP works fine on
IIS? Because it works for you - as a programming language. And you just
HATE to do the job in VBScript JScript etc. Well maybe you don't really
hate it, you just don't like to write some 30 lines of script code just
to pass a binary file to the web client. Or 3 functions for sorting an

Now you tell them to go fuck? Be ashame. You want out? Go ahead.
Seriously, read through this bug report, it's obvious that the bug
comes with a different flavour on every windows box.

So my suggestion: don't complain about PHP stuff it's not their fault
and if the bug is not in PHP they can't fix it there. What part of the
word "bug" do you not understand? Do you really think it would help if
they'd try to implement some poor workaround like a non-sleeping
sleep-function or stuff like that, in an effort to antecipate and catch
a bug somewhere up- or downstream?

Ask your vendor (Microsoft) to fix their products and meanwhile
appreciate this space and place here your new workarounds if those
already posted didn't help you out.

And if you are really work-bound to windows, can't you at least sacrify
some MB to get the apache server running there? You already got your
boss let you install PHP, havn't you?

Previous Comments:

[2003-07-03 16:30:00] fletchsod at juno dot com

I'm having this problem with II5, Win2000 (Service Pack 4), MS-SQL 2000
(Service Pack 3) and PHP 4.3.2.   I have found no workable solution and
this is definitely not a Microsoft Problem, it's an PHP error coding. 
I use the CGI part of the PHP with the odbc scripts, not mssql scripts
and I still get error with the header() part most of the time.

For those of you who have problem.  Fuck the php developers because
they aren't going to fix this.  I saw a clipping from someone who had a
workaround to this problem, so I'll post it here for your convience...

  I had similar problems with close to the same configuration and
changed strategies completely by having the IIS server handle the
header output.
  This was done by making the IIS server use the php DLL instead of the
.exe as a CGI. My php files work fine now. It took some digging, but
there is an installation/configuration explanation in the MS IIS help


[2003-06-26 17:35:18] nospam at kolbly dot com

I am running win2003, IIS6 PHP 4.3.2, Dell Dimension 4400 or T1840
Emachine and have tried EVERY suggestion here with no luck.  I have
opened up a case with Microsoft with no luck there either. They will
look further into the problem if I can duplicate the problem without

So far, I cannot duplicate the problem without using PHP.  I have tried
the non-php samples here and wrote a simple cgi that connects to the MS
sample database and reloads itself, but cannot reproduce the problem
without PHP.  With PHP, I reproduce the problem 100% of the time.

If anybody else has some sample C/C++/C# source code I can compile and
demonstrate the problem, please send it to me so I can forward it onto

My only conclusion is that this IS a PHP error, or at the very least
the culprit is very much in doubt.  Please DO reopen the bug - I don't
want to have to go the .NET route :-(


[2003-06-11 09:52:20] wharrison at pro dot ie

To follow up I set cgi.rfc2616_headers = 1 as Pedro suggested and have
had no problems reported since. So I suggest trying this to anyone with
these problems.


[2003-05-29 15:08:55] eduardo at tre-to dot gov dot br

Why this bug is Close if no concret solution are found?


[2003-05-29 15:03:34] eduardo at tre-to dot gov dot br

I have the error message:

HTTP/1.1 502 Gateway Error Server: Microsoft-IIS/5.0 Date: Thu, 29 May
2003 19:24:31 GMT Content-Length: 186 Content-Type: text/html 

each time that i open an PHP page. With or whiout db conection,
header(...), frames, etc.
I know that the message is shown always that the time set on IIS to be
the timeout to CGI Script:
On IIS select the site and click Properties.
Click the Home Directory tab.
On Application Protection, select:High (Isoleted)
Click Configuration. 
Select Process Options. 
See the option: CGI Configurations-> CGI Script timeout.
Always, on this time, the message error appears. If you select the
Application Protection to other option, the default time (300s) is set

I am using php 4.3.3 on cgi mode in IIS5 and W2K Adv Server. On same
php and IIS, with W2K Professional the problem don't occurs.

The Event Log shows:
The script started from the URL '/xxx.php' with parameters '' has not
responded within the configured timeout period.  The HTTP server is
terminating the script. 
For additional information specific to this message please visit the
Microsoft Online Support site located at: 

I already experienced all of the kinds shown in this(and in others Bug
#) but nothing solve the bug.
I am desperate because it go well before I reinstalled the system and
updated the IIS4 to IIS5 and php 4.0.1 to 4.3.3.

Now, only rest me test the isapi, that the self PHP's instruction say
that isn't stable...


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