ID:               33011
 Comment by:       pmvcallan at gmail dot com
 Reported By:      joe at bs0 dot com
 Status:           Assigned
 Bug Type:         Semaphore related
 Operating System: win32 only
 PHP Version:      5.0.4, 4.3.11
 Assigned To:      iliaa
 New Comment:

Same problem running apache 2, php 5.2.6 on windows.

Attempted closing then deleting and deleting then closing the block,
returns true in both cases.
Still leaves the block and contents intact regardless.

Previous Comments:

[2007-07-18 04:01:18] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Just noting two things: one, the patch is no longer online and two,
Ilia doesn't really 'do' Windows any more.

I looked at it but don't have time to play right now, not least because
I don't have a current copy of PHP on board. I _think_ it probably just
needs a flag setting in shmctl() (in tsrm_win32.c) when it's called from
shmop_delete() - not sure. Something like:

shm->descriptor->shm_perm.mode = IPC_EXCL;

- but again not sure, there's a copy flying around there somewhere. I'd
need to test.


[2007-07-13 20:55:38] jmccaskey at gmail dot com

I'm experiencing this same issue on PHP 5.2.2 under Apache 2 on
windows.   How is it that this issue was opened years ago and is not


[2006-04-15 16:43:52] piotrprz at gmail dot com

PHP 5.1.2 still has this bug: apache2/php5.1.2 on windows xp


[2005-11-07 00:03:11] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Ilia, have you checked the patch in this report yet?


[2005-05-19 23:33:39] joe at bs0 dot com



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