Edit report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=54547&edit=1

 ID:                 54547
 Comment by:         riel at surriel dot com
 Reported by:        peter dot ritt at gmx dot net
 Summary:            wrong equality of string numbers
 Status:             Verified
 Type:               Bug
 Package:            Unknown/Other Function
 Operating System:   linux
 PHP Version:        5.3.6
 Assigned To:        dmitry
 Block user comment: N
 Private report:     N

 New Comment:

Conversion of numeric-looking strings to numbers does not have to be a problem, 
as long as the code in the back end uses arbitrary-precision math. This is 
slower than comparing a type that fits in a CPU register, but once you have 
already spent the time to do an automatic type conversion, that really does not 

When it comes to an operator like ==, every digit matters. Having == return 
false when two items are different violates the principle of least surprise.

Previous Comments:
[2012-04-12 17:03:32] jacob at fakku dot net


I just wanted to point out the issue mentioned in that article and how I felt 
applied to this situation.

At least to me, it seems to me that it's a big deal when '9223372036854775807' 
'9223372036854775808' returns true, even if it's an edge case. But you're right 
about just using ===, which I will do if I ever run into this situation. After 
doing a bit more research I can understand why it is the way it is and I was 
probably too hasty to jump into this thread.

[2012-04-12 16:53:54] ras...@php.net

@jacob PHP has two sets of comparison operators as well. == and ===
They aren't numeric and string, they are loose and strict. In the majority of 
cases when dealing with HTTP requests and database results, which is what PHP 
deals with most, the loose comparison makes life easiest on the developer.

In your case when comparison huge numeric strings that won't fit in any numeric 
type, a strict comparison is needed:

$ php -r 'var_dump("61529519452809720693702583126814" === 

(and hopefully you aren't actually using md5 for password hashing)

[2012-04-12 16:04:03] jacob at fakku dot net

I'm just gonna paste in that PHP Sadness article to show why this is such a big 

According to php language.operators.comparison, the type-coercing comparison 
operators will coerce both operands to floats if they both look like numbers, 
even if they are both already strings:

If you compare a number with a string or the comparison involves numerical 
strings, then each string is converted to a number and the comparison performed 
This can become especially important in situations where the developer chooses 
to use == to compare two values which will always be strings. For example, 
consider a simple password checker:

if (md5($password) == $hash) {
  print "Allowed!\n";

Assume that the $hash is loaded from a known safe string value from a database 
and contains a real MD5 hash. Now, suppose the $password is "ximaz", which has 
an all-numeric hex-encoded MD5 hash of "61529519452809720693702583126814". When 
PHP does the comparison, it will print "Allowed!" for any password which 
even the first half of the hash:

$ php -r 'var_dump("61529519452809720693702583126814" == 

The solution, of course, is "never use type-coercing comparison operators" - 
this remains an easily-overlooked bug factory for beginning and even 
intermediate developers. Some languages solve this situation by having two 
separate sets of comparison operators for numeric or string comparisons so that 
the developer can be explicit in their intent without needing to manually cast 
their arguments.

[2012-04-12 15:55:26] yless42 at hotmail dot com

Wouldn't it make the most sense to compare the strings as string (and thus pass 
in the original case), then fall back on other comparison methods when they 
don't match?  I admit I don't have test cases but it seems that this would be 
backwards compatible in most cases (as you will eventually compare numerically) 
and fix the given issue.

Unless there are cases which rely on the two same strings failing to compare as 

[2012-04-12 15:20:45] jpa...@php.net

I'd like to add that strcmp() and familly are functions designed to compare 
strings, as they are in C ; except that in PHP they are binary compatible, like 
PHP strings are


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