Edit report at http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=42849&edit=1

 ID:               42849
 Comment by:       rsberger1 at hotmail dot com
 Reported by:      inglis-php at yahoo dot com dot au
 Summary:          Configuration File (php.ini) Path incorrect
 Status:           No Feedback
 Type:             Bug
 Package:          *General Issues
 Operating System: win xp pro
 PHP Version:      5.2.4

 New Comment:

Since this bug was suspended due to "no feedback", I thought I'd supply

the requested feedback and hope that someone would fix this annoyance.

The two places in my phpinfo output regarding php.ini are:

Configuration File (php.ini) Path       C:\Windows

Loaded Configuration File               D:\Apps\MyFolder\php-5.3.2\php.ini

Apparently my php.ini is being loaded from my php-5.3.2 folder, but

phpinfo erroneously reports php.ini's path as C:\Windows.

Previous Comments:
[2009-12-28 05:33:09] u2gohome at gmail dot com

Hi. For me this problem was only occurring when php was executed via
apache. Executing php -i from the command line listed the mysql
extension whereas a phpinfo() request via the browser did not. 

Try adding the following line to your apache httpd.conf file (to point
to the directory containing php.ini) eg.

PHPIniDir 'C:\php'

Adding this line changed phpinfo()'s reported 'Loaded Configuration
File' from (none) to C:\php\php.ini, and mysql started talking. However,
phpinfo() still reports c:\windows as the php.ini directory.

Cheers, Matt

[2009-10-12 11:48:21] alim at fourplusadvertising dot com

I am quite confused with this whole thing on my mac (leopard).. i
thought my PHP was the perfect installation..;-).. till i realised that
my PHP.ini setting of upload_max_filesize was still 2 MB inspite of me
having changed it to 32 MB!!..

how do i get php to use the php.ini values and not the default.. I am
facing the same issue on my imac.. there's some loaded configuration
file which shows /private/etc while the Configuration File (php.ini)
Path is /etc

But they are I think symlinked.. but whatever I edit in the php.ini does
not reflect in the phpinfo()..

please help..

[2009-09-16 18:41:00] misc at imerk dot net

I've just run into this problem. Using win2k8 r2 x64. And php 5.2.5

I copied the php installation that is working on a win2k3 server to this

win2k8 box. I put the path to the ini file in both the system PATH 

variable as well as creating a reg key in 

local_machine/software/php5/iniFilePath = C:\php5

I still get (none) for the loaded config file. This is working fine on 

the win2k3 machine though.

[2009-09-05 03:57:57] headnok at yahoo dot com

I had the same damn problem and was pulling my hair out for a week. 
Please!!! Either instruct the users to move the php.ini file into the
C:\windows directory your installation instructions or fix the problem! 

[2008-12-11 06:22:55] yaddayadda at mailinator dot com

I'm a new user of PHP/MySQL. I installed both and phpMyAdmin with no
deviation from the instructions and could not get phpMyAdmin to work at
all (it could not load the mysql extension). Despite reading numerous
posts about what to uncomment in php.ini and what to add to the PATH,
whatever I did did not seem to have any effect. Only after I ran
phpinfo() did I find out that the path to php.ini was somehow pointing
the Windows folder. I was editing php.ini in C:\PHP. 

There are many, many frustrated students and beginners out there having
this exact issue. They don't know it is a bug. They are told to "just
copy php.ini to your Windows folder" as a fix. I did not want to do this
because I set the PATH to C:\PHP so I knew it should be looking there
and NOT in C:\Windows (because there was no php.ini there, it should
continue looking through the locations specified in PATH). I still do
not know how to change this and ended up moving the file out of
frustration and everything began to work. 

So many people are experiencing this frustration and wasting hours
trying to fix it. Some are even giving up and moving to hosts that
already have PHP installed rather than continue to learn on their own.
If you install PHP to C:\PHP, the php.ini file it looks for should be


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Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=42849&edit=1

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