ID:               48753
 Comment by:       shank1969 at hotmail dot com
 Reported By:      bjoern at xrow dot de
 Status:           Assigned
 Bug Type:         PHAR related
 Operating System: WINDOWS VISTA
 PHP Version:      5.3.0
 Assigned To:      cellog
 New Comment: = 404. Any other ideas?

Previous Comments:

[2009-07-16 18:48:14] bjoern at xrow dot de

learn c and fix it on your own.

your comment was not helpfull to solve this bug.


[2009-07-16 18:45:53] justme at some dot com

(this applies to WinXP as well)
Great, yeat another NEW bug in PHP!
Since 5.2, every time a new version appears, it is WORSE than previous
and takes hours of workaround work to get it to work as expected.

The EXIF extension has not worked since 5.2 and it still doesn't and
now they have managed to get even the go-pear.bat broken.

Don't they test anything anymore?


[2009-07-03 10:05:15] rclerkin at gmail dot com

In the mean time there is a workaround here;

I have used this to install pear successfuly with 5.3.0


[2009-07-01 11:39:38]

Greg, do you have to regenerate the phar in cvs or is there something
else broken?


[2009-07-01 11:16:55] bjoern at xrow dot de

go-pear.bat throws warnings and errors.

phar "C:\php5\PEAR\go-pear.phar" does not have a signature
Warning: require_once(phar://go-pear.phar/index.php): failed to open
stream: pha
r error: invalid url or non-existent phar
"phar://go-pear.phar/index.php" in C:\
php5\PEAR\go-pear.phar on line 1236
Drücken Sie eine beliebige Taste . . .

Expected result:
it should install pear


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