ID:               25876
 Comment by:       thecancerus at gmail dot com
 Reported By:      golden at riscom dot com
 Status:           No Feedback
 Bug Type:         Session related
 Operating System: freebsd 4.8
 PHP Version:      4.3.9-4.3.10
 Assigned To:      sniper
 New Comment:

we can pass session id to ensuser that session remains intact.. use SID
it will help

Previous Comments:

[2006-07-21 08:05:00] contact at far-php dot ro

i have this problem as well.

PHP version 4.3.11

Script index.php:

/tmp -> /domanin_site/tmp/


[2006-06-27 06:28:57] hmahmoud1900 at gmail dot com

still have same problem , user session empty and get out of the site.
try all what the guys said , nothing happened


[2006-03-28 13:45:31] stjernstrom at gmail dot com

We have this problem to.

Nothing helps :(


[2006-03-05 04:51:14] rsalsa at gmail dot com

I'm experiencing this bug as well and none of the fixes mention helped.
I've got a production system where this is happening on right now. Every
php application has is affected is just calling session_start(); 

If it helps the PHP developers out, I can give you access to the system
for testing, monitoring, etc. Just let me know.


[2006-03-03 22:40:39] s at guerril dot nnoosppaamm dot la

I'm hitting this same issue with php 5.0.3 on Debian 1:3.3.5-13 using a
custom session handler that writes to MySQL database. It comes up
intermittently, usually persists for a few seconds (all pageloads that
take place over that time), then goes away.

The workaround of forcing session.save_handler to "files" is not
working for me, nor do I think it's appropriate in this situation since
I do want a user-defined handler after all.


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