ID:               19290
 User updated by:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
-Status:           Closed
+Status:           Open
 Bug Type:         Compile Failure
 Operating System: Solaris 8
 PHP Version:      4.2.3
 New Comment:

I tried compiling the latest version from CVS (200209290900),
and it still fails.
Here are a few lines from the configure output:
checking for FastCGI support... no
checking for Zeus ISAPI support... no
checking for NSAPI support... /suitespot
checking for NSAPI include files... iPlanet/4.x style
checking for /suitespot/plugins/include/nsapi.h... yes
./configure: -I/suitespot/plugins: does not exist
checking for PHTTPD support... no
checking for Pi3Web Support...

Here are the compile errors:
/bin/sh libtool --silent --mode=compile gcc  -Isapi/nsapi/
/php4-200209290900/sapi/nsapi/ -DPHP_ATOM_INC
90900/include -I/home8/src/php/beta/php4-200209290900/main
/php4-200209290900 -I/include
-I/home8/src/php/beta/php4-200209290900/Zend -I/ho
M -DTHREAD=1  -g -O2 -pthreads -DZTS  -prefer-pic -c
0209290900/sapi/nsapi/nsapi.c -o sapi/nsapi/nsapi.lo
/home8/src/php/beta/php4-200209290900/sapi/nsapi/nsapi.c:50: nsapi.h:
No such fi
le or directory
base/pblock.h: No s
uch file or directory
base/session.h: No
such file or directory
frame/req.h: No suc
h file or directory
frame/protocol.h: N
o such file or directory
base/util.h: No suc
h file or directory
frame/log.h: No suc
h file or directory
*** Error code 1
make: Fatal error: Command failed for target `sapi/nsapi/nsapi.lo'

   Bob Fillmore

Previous Comments:

[2002-09-26 19:57:02] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This bug has been fixed in CVS.

In case this was a PHP problem, snapshots of the sources are packaged
every three hours; this change will be in the next snapshot. You can
grab the snapshot at
In case this was a documentation problem, the fix will show up soon at

In case this was a website problem, the change will show
up on the site and on the mirror sites in short time.
Thank you for the report, and for helping us make PHP better.


[2002-09-08 13:15:02] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please try using this CVS snapshot:
For Windows:

I think I see whats wrong. Any chance you can test out an unstable
snapshot dated sometime after now.  I just put in a fix which I hope
corrects this issue for you.  If it does, I'll back port it to 4.2
branch as well


[2002-09-08 12:55:12] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Here are a few lines before/after the configure error:

checking for FastCGI support... no
checking for Zeus ISAPI support... no
checking for NSAPI support... /suitespot
checking for NSAPI include files... iPlanet/4.x style
./configure: -I/suitespot/plugins: does not exist
checking for PHTTPD support... no
checking for Pi3Web Support... no

The iPlanet NSAPI include directory is /suitespot/plugins/include

The problem is that the configure script is checking to see
if the directory "-I/suitespot/plugins" exists.
The "-I" shouldn't be included in a path check!
(the 4.2.2 configure script didn't have this bug)

   - Bob


[2002-09-08 12:22:18] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Can you please post the few lines output'ed from configure before this
error occurs?

The -I just adds another include directory and should not be the
problem.  Whats of concern is that the check for the
$custom_dir/include is apparently failing, and screwing things up.

Do you have a /suitespot/include directory by chance?


[2002-09-08 10:06:42] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

When running configure in the 4.2.3 release, as follows:

  CC=gcc ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/php
  p/etc --with-nsapi=/suitespot --enable-libgcc --enable-dbase

an error message is issued:

  ./configure: -I/suitespot/plugins: does not exist

and the make fails with errors about not being able to find the NSAPI
include files.
(iPlanet 4.x style)

Looks like 4.2.3 introduced a bug in the configure script- the NSAPI
include path
now contains the string "-I".  I changed the configure script to
restore the NSAPI
code to the 4.2.2 version, and it now does configure/make properly.
Here is my change to the configure script:

nrn1# diff configure configure.0
<     NSAPI_INCLUDE="$PHP_NSAPI/plugins/include"

- Bob Fillmore


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