ID:               24821
 Comment by:       cunha17 at uol dot com dot br
 Reported By:      yan at fitterer dot org
 Status:           Open
 Bug Type:         Regexps related
 Operating System: Linux RH 7.3
 PHP Version:      Irrelevant
 New Comment:

I can tell you that the latest PHP5-dev has it working.

Cristiano Duarte

Previous Comments:

[2003-07-26 14:41:54] yan at fitterer dot org

Error in matching literal { inside regexp

Sorry I'm not putting a version on this. See below.

Reproduce code:
if (ereg("^\{$","{")) echo "^\{$ matched {";
if (ereg("^\{\}$","{}")) echo "^\{\}$ matched {}";

Expected result:
This does work on 4.2.3 (and later I expect), but doesn't on 4.1.2. 

I'm trying to get it fixed by Redhat, bcse they still ship 4.1.2 with
RH 7.3.

Could somebody tell me when it was fixed (which version), and if there
is an associated bug no? I searched, but to no avail. I suppose it was
fixed as part of something else...


Actual result:
Warning: Unmatched \{ in /usr/local/typo3/museum/phptest.php on line 2

Warning: Invalid content of \{\} in /usr/local/typo3/museum/phptest.php
on line 3


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