#27283 [Com]: Exception not caught if more than two catch blocks are used

2004-03-27 Thread myle34 at hotmail dot com
ID: 27283 Comment by: myle34 at hotmail dot com Reported By: benjcarson at digitaljunkies dot ca Status: Verified Bug Type: Zend Engine 2 problem Operating System: * PHP Version: 5CVS-2004-03-15 New Comment: Not only do I have the same proble

#27283 [Com]: Exception not caught if more than two catch blocks are used

2004-03-06 Thread kase at gmx dot net
ID: 27283 Comment by: kase at gmx dot net Reported By: benjcarson at digitaljunkies dot ca Status: Verified Bug Type: Zend Engine 2 problem Operating System: * PHP Version: 5CVS-2004-02-16 New Comment: Still NOT fixed in latest CVS (6 Mar)