ID:               2996
 Updated by:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:      jeddings at jeddings dot com
-Status:           Open
+Status:           Wont Fix
 Bug Type:         Parser error
 Operating System: Linux 2.2.5-15
 PHP Version:      3.0.12
 Assigned To:      hholzgra
 New Comment:

We are sorry, but we can not support PHP 3 related problems anymore.
Momentum is gathering for PHP 5, and we think supporting PHP 3 will
lead to a waste of resources which we want to put into getting PHP 5
ready. Of course PHP 4 will continue to be supported for the
forseeable future.

Previous Comments:

[1999-12-21 08:55:11] jeddings at jeddings dot com

There is some question as to whether Content-Length is a valid header,
since the RFC is not clear.  There needs to be clarification on this.


[1999-12-18 04:48:26] jeddings at jeddings dot com

I'm using Perl's LWP and HTTP::Request::Common modules to POST a
multipart/form-data form to upload a file to an Apache 1.3.6/PHP 3.0.12
web server.

The problem comes when PHP goes to MIME unencode the POST.  mime.c's
php3_mime_split function looks for one of four things to be in the
POST:  the boundary, the Content-Disposition header, a plain form-data
field, or the uploaded file field (with a Content-Type header).  But
Perl's HTTP::Request::Common puts in an additional header:

According to the RFC (RFC 1867), this seems legal.  So when Perl

Content-type: multipart/form-data, boundary=AaB03x
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="field1"

Joe Perl
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="uploadfile";
Content-Length: 5660
Content-Type: text/plain

         ... contents of file1.txt ...

php3_mime_split saves the $uploadfile starting with "ntent-type:
text/plain..." rather than the correct spot, which would be after the
single \n by itself.


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