ID:               30989
 User updated by:  info at e-novative dot de
 Reported By:      info at e-novative dot de
 Status:           Wont fix
 Bug Type:         Filesystem function related
 Operating System: Windows XP
 PHP Version:      5.0.2
 New Comment:

BTW, I _did_ search the database, but I didn't find this one. It didn't
even show up on the final confirmation page, so I was pretty sure that
was a new one. Sorry for that.

But why is this a "won't fix"? It is a behaviour that is not desired,
and I was banging my head for two days because my Unit Tests just would
show up error when run fom phing.

It shouldn't be too difficult to make PHP's internal list of files case
_insensitive_ on Windows? Would this introduce any problem in another
spot - I doubt it? It seems to be case insensitive anyway right now
(see the second include in the example) - but not for the drive letter.

Previous Comments:

[2004-12-06 11:05:01] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This has already been suggested before, please search the bug system
before posting bugs.


[2004-12-06 01:21:47] info at e-novative dot de

Include and require treat drive letters in path names case-sensitive
(whereas Windows does not). This leads to (unjustified) "Cannot
redeclare ..." errors for classes or functions in certain situations.

Reproduce code:
include_once 'c:/some/path/file.php';
include_once 'c:/some/PATH/file.php';
include_once 'C:/some/path/file.php';

(assume file.php contains a function or class definition)

Expected result:
Running all three include statements should be safe, as the path
definitely points to the same directory on Windows. I remember PHP4
used to choke on the second include because paths were treated
case-insensitive, however PHP5 chokes on the third one.

Actual result:
The third include_once statement yields an error
"Cannot redeclare ... (previously declared in ...) ..."


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