ID:               33903
 Updated by:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:      marcos dot neves at gmail dot com
 Status:           Assigned
 Bug Type:         Feature/Change Request
 Operating System: *
-PHP Version:      5.1.0b3
+PHP Version:      5.1.0
 Assigned To:      helly
 New Comment:

This has to be delayed until after 5.1 since it requires a complete
reqrite of the internal function handling. Maybe staic functions are

Previous Comments:

[2005-07-28 14:02:26] marcos dot neves at gmail dot com

What about spl_autoload_register accept class methods too, like usort
and other php functions

Reproduce code:

class MyAutoLoader {

        function autoLoad($className) {
                // autload code

spl_autoload_register(array('MyAutoLoader', 'autoLoad'));

// and

$myAutoLoader = new MyAutoLoader();
spl_autoload_register(array($myAutoLoader, 'autoLoad'));


Expected result:

Actual result:
Warning: spl_autoload_register() expects parameter 1 to be string,
array given in
C:\wamp\include_path\tests\spl\spl_autoload_register_class.test.php on
line 10

Warning: spl_autoload_register() expects parameter 1 to be string,
array given in
C:\wamp\include_path\tests\spl\spl_autoload_register_class.test.php on
line 15


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