ID:               40384
 User updated by:  jaspersl at xs4all dot nl
 Reported By:      jaspersl at xs4all dot nl
-Status:           Bogus
+Status:           Open
 Bug Type:         IMAP related
 Operating System: Debian Linux (sid)
 PHP Version:      5CVS-2007-02-07 (CVS)
 New Comment:

Ok, so how come 5.2.0 (compiled with the same settings & compiler) and
previous versions doesn't suffer from it?

The Zend/bech.php doesn't seem to doing anything with the c-client. If
it takes time to _initialize_ it, it wouldn't account for the fact that
the fibo() takes twice as long.

Previous Comments:

[2007-02-07 10:51:45] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

It means that c-client initialization takes some time.
We can't fix c-client, though.


[2007-02-07 10:46:48] jaspersl at xs4all dot nl

When compiling with --with-imap (implies --with-imap-ssl and
--with-kerberos because of Debian c-client) in PHP5.2.1RC3 and up
(including latest CVS snap) the Zend/bench.php takes 23 seconds to
If --with-imap --with-imap-ssl are omitted , the bench.php takes 13
Using --with-kerberos or not has no performance impact. 

Other PHP versions (5.1.6, 5.2.0) take also around 13 seconds to

The benchmark is executed like this:

sapi/cli/php -n -f Zend/bech.php

I can give strace/gdb output on request. 

Reproduce code:
./configure '--with-mysql=/usr' '--with-gettext' '--with-gd'
'--with-zlib-dir=/usr' '--with-apxs2=/usr/bin/apxs2' --with-dom
--with-jpeg-dir=/usr/lib --disable-ipv6  --with-xsl --with-tidy
--with-ldap --with-mysqli --without-sqlite --disable-pdo
--disable-xmlreader --disable-xmlwriter --disable-spl
--enable-maintainer-zts --with-freetype-dir --with-kerberos --with-imap


Expected result:
I expect the benchmark to complete in around 13 seconds, just like with

simple             0.462
simplecall         0.704
simpleucall        1.061
simpleudcall       1.211
mandel             1.393
mandel2            1.675
ackermann(7)       1.137
ary(50000)         0.061
ary2(50000)        0.051
ary3(2000)         0.747
fibo(30)           2.909
hash1(50000)       0.129
hash2(500)         0.141
heapsort(20000)    0.393
matrix(20)         0.393
nestedloop(12)     0.646
sieve(30)          0.287
strcat(200000)     0.160
Total             13.560

Actual result:
simple             0.496
simplecall         1.040
simpleucall        1.833
simpleudcall       2.025
mandel             2.202
mandel2            2.776
ackermann(7)       2.067
ary(50000)         0.103
ary2(50000)        0.087
ary3(2000)         1.038
fibo(30)           4.922
hash1(50000)       0.213
hash2(500)         0.234
heapsort(20000)    0.654
matrix(20)         0.532
nestedloop(12)     0.911
sieve(30)          0.529
strcat(200000)     0.219
Total             21.881

A significant drop in performance


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