ID:               41425
 Updated by:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:      niedbalski at gmail dot com
-Status:           Open
+Status:           Feedback
 Bug Type:         Reproducible crash
 Operating System: MAC OS X 10.4.8
 PHP Version:      5.2.2
 New Comment:

Thank you for this bug report. To properly diagnose the problem, we
need a short but complete example script to be able to reproduce
this bug ourselves. 

A proper reproducing script starts with <?php and ends with ?>,
is max. 10-20 lines long and does not require any external 
resources such as databases, etc. If the script requires a 
database to demonstrate the issue, please make sure it creates 
all necessary tables, stored procedures etc.

Please avoid embedding huge scripts into the report.

Previous Comments:

[2007-05-18 04:19:27] niedbalski at gmail dot com

__CLASS__ initialize_conn : Error querying DB

_CLASS_ Error : 
php(995) malloc: *** vm_allocate(size=262144) failed (error code=-301)
php(995) malloc: *** error: can't allocate region
php(995) malloc: *** set a breakpoint in szone_error to debug

Fatal error: Out of memory (allocated 262144) (tried to allocate 16384
bytes) in /Users/aktive/public_html/otros/httpclass/httpgetid.php on
line 44

Disas of vm_allocate :

0x90017c08 <vm_allocate+0>:     mflr    r0
0x90017c0c <vm_allocate+4>:     bcl-   
0x90017c10 <vm_allocate+8>:     stmw    r28,-16(r1)
0x90017c14 <vm_allocate+12>:    mr      r28,r4
0x90017c18 <vm_allocate+16>:    mflr    r31
0x90017c1c <vm_allocate+20>:    stw     r0,8(r1)
0x90017c20 <vm_allocate+24>:    stwu    r1,-128(r1)
0x90017c24 <vm_allocate+28>:    addis   r2,r31,4095
0x90017c28 <vm_allocate+32>:    lwz     r9,0(r4)
0x90017c2c <vm_allocate+36>:    lwz     r29,-7856(r2)
0x90017c30 <vm_allocate+40>:    stw     r5,92(r1)
0x90017c34 <vm_allocate+44>:    lwz     r0,0(r29)
0x90017c38 <vm_allocate+48>:    lwz     r2,4(r29)
0x90017c3c <vm_allocate+52>:    stw     r0,80(r1)
0x90017c40 <vm_allocate+56>:    li      r0,5395
0x90017c44 <vm_allocate+60>:    stw     r6,96(r1)
0x90017c48 <vm_allocate+64>:    stw     r2,84(r1)
0x90017c4c <vm_allocate+68>:    stw     r9,88(r1)
0x90017c50 <vm_allocate+72>:    stw     r0,56(r1)
0x90017c54 <vm_allocate+76>:    stw     r3,64(r1)
0x90017c58 <vm_allocate+80>:    bl      0x9019a0a0
0x90017c5c <vm_allocate+84>:    mr      r2,r3
0x90017c60 <vm_allocate+88>:    mr      r7,r3
0x90017c64 <vm_allocate+92>:    li      r0,3801
0x90017c68 <vm_allocate+96>:    addi    r3,r1,56
0x90017c6c <vm_allocate+100>:   li      r4,3
0x90017c70 <vm_allocate+104>:   li      r5,44
0x90017c74 <vm_allocate+108>:   li      r6,48
0x90017c78 <vm_allocate+112>:   li      r8,0
0x90017c7c <vm_allocate+116>:   li      r9,0
0x90017c80 <vm_allocate+120>:   stw     r0,76(r1)
0x90017c84 <vm_allocate+124>:   stw     r2,68(r1)
0x90017c88 <vm_allocate+128>:   bl      0x9019a040
0x90017c8c <vm_allocate+132>:   mr.     r30,r3
0x90017c90 <vm_allocate+136>:   beq-    0x90017cec <vm_allocate+228>
0x90017c94 <vm_allocate+140>:   lis     r0,4096
0x90017c98 <vm_allocate+144>:   ori     r0,r0,16386
0x90017c9c <vm_allocate+148>:   cmpw    cr7,r30,r0
0x90017ca0 <vm_allocate+152>:   beq-    cr7,0x90017ce0
0x90017ca4 <vm_allocate+156>:   bgt-    cr7,0x90017cc4
0x90017ca8 <vm_allocate+160>:   lis     r0,4096
0x90017cac <vm_allocate+164>:   ori     r0,r0,9
0x90017cb0 <vm_allocate+168>:   cmpw    cr7,r30,r0
0x90017cb4 <vm_allocate+172>:   beq-    cr7,0x90017ce0
0x90017cb8 <vm_allocate+176>:   lwz     r3,68(r1)
0x90017cbc <vm_allocate+180>:   bl      0x9019a0c0
0x90017cc0 <vm_allocate+184>:   b       0x90017d78 <vm_allocate+368>
0x90017cc4 <vm_allocate+188>:   lis     r0,4096
0x90017cc8 <vm_allocate+192>:   ori     r0,r0,16390
0x90017ccc <vm_allocate+196>:   cmpw    cr7,r30,r0
0x90017cd0 <vm_allocate+200>:   beq-    cr7,0x90017ce0
0x90017cd4 <vm_allocate+204>:   lis     r0,4096
0x90017cd8 <vm_allocate+208>:   ori     r0,r0,16393
0x90017cdc <vm_allocate+212>:   b       0x90017cb0 <vm_allocate+168>
0x90017ce0 <vm_allocate+216>:   lwz     r3,68(r1)
0x90017ce4 <vm_allocate+220>:   bl      0x9019a0e0
0x90017ce8 <vm_allocate+224>:   b       0x90017d78 <vm_allocate+368>
0x90017cec <vm_allocate+228>:   lwz     r0,76(r1)
0x90017cf0 <vm_allocate+232>:   cmpwi   cr7,r0,3901
0x90017cf4 <vm_allocate+236>:   beq+    cr7,0x90017d0c
0x90017cf8 <vm_allocate+240>:   cmpwi   cr7,r0,71
0x90017cfc <vm_allocate+244>:   li      r30,-308
0x90017d00 <vm_allocate+248>:   beq-    cr7,0x90017d78
0x90017d04 <vm_allocate+252>:   li      r30,-301
0x90017d08 <vm_allocate+256>:   b       0x90017d78 <vm_allocate+368>
0x90017d0c <vm_allocate+260>:   lwz     r9,88(r1)
0x90017d10 <vm_allocate+264>:   cmpwi   cr7,r9,0
0x90017d14 <vm_allocate+268>:   beq-    cr7,0x90017d44
0x90017d18 <vm_allocate+272>:   lbz     r2,4(r29)
0x90017d1c <vm_allocate+276>:   lbz     r0,84(r1)
0x90017d20 <vm_allocate+280>:   cmpw    cr7,r0,r2
0x90017d24 <vm_allocate+284>:   beq-    cr7,0x90017d34
0x90017d28 <vm_allocate+288>:   addi    r2,r1,88
0x90017d2c <vm_allocate+292>:   lwbrx   r9,r2,r30
0x90017d30 <vm_allocate+296>:   stw     r9,88(r1)
0x90017d34 <vm_allocate+300>:   cmpwi   cr7,r9,0
0x90017d38 <vm_allocate+304>:   mr      r30,r9
0x90017d3c <vm_allocate+308>:   beq+    cr7,0x90017d6c
0x90017d40 <vm_allocate+312>:   b       0x90017d78 <vm_allocate+368>
0x90017d44 <vm_allocate+316>:   lbz     r2,4(r29)
0x90017d48 <vm_allocate+320>:   lbz     r0,84(r1)
0x90017d4c <vm_allocate+324>:   cmpw    cr7,r0,r2
0x90017d50 <vm_allocate+328>:   beq-    cr7,0x90017d6c
0x90017d54 <vm_allocate+332>:   addi    r2,r1,88
0x90017d58 <vm_allocate+336>:   lwbrx   r2,r2,r30
0x90017d5c <vm_allocate+340>:   stw     r2,88(r1)
0x90017d60 <vm_allocate+344>:   addi    r9,r1,92
0x90017d64 <vm_allocate+348>:   lwbrx   r9,r9,r30
0x90017d68 <vm_allocate+352>:   stw     r9,92(r1)
0x90017d6c <vm_allocate+356>:   lwz     r0,92(r1)
0x90017d70 <vm_allocate+360>:   li      r30,0
0x90017d74 <vm_allocate+364>:   stw     r0,0(r28)
0x90017d78 <vm_allocate+368>:   addi    r1,r1,128
0x90017d7c <vm_allocate+372>:   mr      r3,r30
0x90017d80 <vm_allocate+376>:   lwz     r0,8(r1)
0x90017d84 <vm_allocate+380>:   lmw     r28,-16(r1)
0x90017d88 <vm_allocate+384>:   mtlr    r0
0x90017d8c <vm_allocate+388>:   blr
0x90017d90 <vm_allocate+392>:   .long 0x0
0x90017d94 <vm_allocate+396>:   .long 0x0
0x90017d98 <vm_allocate+400>:   .long 0x0
0x90017d9c <vm_allocate+404>:   .long 0x0
0x90017da0 <vm_allocate+408>:   .long 0x0
End of assembler dump.

Reproduce code:
    if(!http_get($this->url, array("timeout"=>10), $response[1])) {
                                        throw new Exception("Error in
http_get headers\n");

Expected result:

Actual result:
__CLASS__ initialize_conn : Error querying DB

_CLASS_ Error : 
php(995) malloc: *** vm_allocate(size=262144) failed (error code=-301)
php(995) malloc: *** error: can't allocate region
php(995) malloc: *** set a breakpoint in szone_error to debug

Fatal error: Out of memory (allocated 262144) (tried to allocate 16384
bytes) in /Users/aktive/public_html/otros/httpclass/httpgetid.php on
line 44


Edit this bug report at

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