ID:               41429
 Updated by:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:      idvis at seznam dot cz
-Status:           Open
+Status:           Assigned
 Bug Type:         InterBase related
 Operating System: WinXPPro, Win2000Pro
 PHP Version:      5.2.2
-Assigned To:      
+Assigned To:      abies

Previous Comments:

[2007-05-18 11:21:01] idvis at seznam dot cz

My opinioin to #41345 [EMAIL PROTECTED] comment:

I think, that this is bug.
I have the similar experience - after upgrading from PHP 5.2.1
to PHP 5.2.2 I cannot work with filled blob fields.
ibase_blob_info() - unrecognized BLOB field in ...

Downgrade back to 5.2.1 fixes the problem.
So I expect, that this is bug only in 5.2.2.

Tested on the following two cases:
1. Win2000Pro, Apache 2.3, php as ISAPI module, database Firebird 1.53
2. WinXPPro, Apache 2.4, php as CGI, database Firebird 1.53


Reproduce code:
  //... $con= ...  connecting to db was before....  
  $query=ibase_query($con,"SELECT SOMEBLOBFIELD FROM TB_WITHBLOB");
  $blobinfo = ibase_blob_info($record[0]); //<-- warning Warning:
ibase_blob_info() [function.ibase-blob-info]: Unrecognized BLOB ID in
  //some code bellow...

Expected result:
I expect no warning :-)

Actual result:
arning Warning: ibase_blob_info() [function.ibase-blob-info]:
Unrecognized BLOB ID in...


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