From:             admin at iwillhostu dot com
Operating system: REDHAT Enterprise 3 i686 on stan
PHP version:      4.4.7
PHP Bug Type:     PHP options/info functions
Bug description:  PHP not Fully Executing

Hello.. I would like to submit a major issue with 4.4.7.

I am running

WHM 11.11.0 cPanel 11.16.0-C18497
REDHAT Enterprise 3 i686 on standard - WHM X v3.1.0 

and I have apache compiled with the below....

I use 4.4.7 and have been having issues with php not fully executing and
been having issues like blank pages etc... I have been going back and forth
with THPLANET and finally a tech worked with me to fix it seing it was an
issue with the compile... The compiles seem to be going great but still to
no avail, scripts would not completely execute.... Finally, we changed php
back to the current build before 4.4.7 which was 4.4.6 and it all started
working fine.. I just wanted to let you know, I then tried 4.4.7 again, and
it went back to the same issue.... I am not sure if anyone else is having
issue.. but it only happens on 2 out of 5 scripts.. I can install many
scripts that work fine, but then WHMCS and other scripts like sugarcrm 5.0
do not... Just wanted to pass the word...


Apache 1.3.39
[More Info ª] Access 
[More Info ª] Actions 
[More Info ª] Alias 
[More Info ª] AuthnDefault 
[More Info ª] AuthzHost 
[More Info ª] Autoindex 
[More Info ª] DIR 
[More Info ª] Expires 
  Prevent Users from reading other webroots 
[More Info ª] Frontpage 
[More Info ª] Headers 
[More Info ª] Log Config 
[More Info ª] Mime 
[More Info ª] MimeMagic 
[More Info ª] Mmap Static 
[More Info ª] Negotiation 
[More Info ª] mod_proxy 
 Raise FD Setsize 
 Raise Hard Server Limit 
[More Info ª] Setenvif 
[More Info ª] Speling 
[More Info ª] Status 
[More Info ª] Unique Id 
[More Info ª] Userdir 
[More Info ª] Usertrack 
[More Info ª] Mod Security 
  v1.9.5 for Apache 1.3, v2.1.4 for Apache 2.x 
[More Info ª] Mod Bandwidth 
  v2.1 for Apache 1.3, v0.8 for Apache 2.x - see documentation that can
found by clicking "More Info" for details 
[More Info ª] EAccelerator for PHP 
  v0.9.5.2 - please read documentation that can found by clicking "More
Info" to fully understand this option 
[More Info ª] Zend Optimizer for PHP 
  3.3.0 - please read documentation that can found by clicking "More Info"
to fully understand this option 
[More Info ª] IonCube Loader for PHP 
  3.1.32 - please read documentation that can found by clicking "More
Info" to fully understand this option 
PHP 4.4.7 
[More Info ª] Bcmath 
[More Info ª] Bz2 
[More Info ª] Calendar 
[More Info ª] Curl 
[More Info ª] CurlSSL 
[More Info ª] DBX 
  See for more details 
[More Info ª] DomXslt 
[More Info ª] Exif 
[More Info ª] FTP 
[More Info ª] GD 
[More Info ª] Gettext 
[More Info ª] Iconv 
  Support iconv character set conversion facility 
[More Info ª] Imap 
[More Info ª] Java 
[More Info ª] MM 
[More Info ª] Magic Quotes 
[More Info ª] MailHeaders 
[More Info ª] Mbstring 
[More Info ª] Mcrypt 
[More Info ª] Memory Limit 
[More Info ª] Mhash 
[More Info ª] Mime Magic 
[More Info ª] Mysql of the system 
  compile mysql support against the system libraries (only option for PHP
[More Info ª] Openssl 
[More Info ª] Pspell 
 Safe PHP CGI 
  prevents users from overriding system php.ini 
[More Info ª] Sockets 
[More Info ª] Swf 
[More Info ª] TTF 
[More Info ª] Wddx 
[More Info ª] XmlRPC 
[More Info ª] XsltSablot 
[More Info ª] Zip 
[More Info ª] Zlib 
  Requires that zlib is installed and up to date 

Reproduce code:
here is a line to the test link that would not fully execute with 4.4.7..
it is still on 4.4.7 so you can see.. Its a small script for PHP

Edit bug report at
Try a CVS snapshot (PHP 4.4):
Try a CVS snapshot (PHP 5.2):
Try a CVS snapshot (PHP 5.3):
Try a CVS snapshot (PHP 6.0):
Fixed in CVS:       
Fixed in release:    
Need backtrace:     
Need Reproduce Script:
Try newer version:  
Not developer issue:
Expected behavior:  
Not enough info:     
Submitted twice:     
PHP 3 support discontinued:
Daylight Savings:   
IIS Stability:      
Install GNU Sed:    
Floating point limitations:
No Zend Extensions: 
MySQL Configuration Error:

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