ID:               46603
 Comment by:       ktildsley at btinternet dot com
 Reported By:      ktildsley at btinternet dot com
 Status:           Open
 Bug Type:         Windows Installer
 Operating System: xp2
 PHP Version:      5.2.6
 New Comment:

A Google search for "PHPinidir invalid command" throws up a bunch of
pages where people seem to have the same problem.

Previous Comments:

[2008-11-18 13:46:11] ktildsley at btinternet dot com

Attempting to upgared from PHP 4 to 5. Used the installer for windows,
seemed to work, no problems. However, when Apache starts it complains
about the end of httpd.conf, namely the line PHPIniDir "C:/Program
Errors says PHPIniDir is an invalid command.

Removing the offending (to see what happens)line leads to an error that
Apache can't find php5apache2_2.dll in the path given, even though the
file is most certainly there.

Furthermore, after uninstalling PHP5, IE no longer executes
Apache/PHP4, the browser just attempts to download the php file, rather
than having Apache/PHP4 execute it. Configuration files are the way they
have been for last two years, so not sure what has got meesed up by
installing and then uninstalling PHP5

Expected result:
I expected the installer to work.

Actual result:
Apache.exe no longer runs but generates error message detailed above.


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