ID:               10136
 Updated by:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Status:           Assigned
 Bug Type:         Mail related
 Operating System: Win32 (2K and 9x) - IIS 5 & Apac
 PHP Version:      4.0.4pl1
-Assigned To:      hholzgra
+Assigned To:      mfischer

Previous Comments:

[2001-06-22 18:42:03] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

windows mail code *badly* needs a rewrite


[2001-04-05 06:27:22] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

OK, I found the problem, folks !!

If you want to send messages in Cc: and Bcc: and personnalize to name
of the To: recipients, I found a topic in newsgroup, you have to :
put all adresses (including To:, Cc: and Bcc: adress) in the $to field
of mail function and then in the header, you put in to: bcc: and cc:
the correct adresses... By this way, the mail function will properly
put the adresses in the right fields, example :
$from = "Test PHP <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>\n";
$headers = "To: Nono <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>\n";
$headers .= "cc: Admin CEnet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>\n";
$headers .= "Bcc: Hidden test <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>";

mail ($to,"my subject","my (nice !) body","From: $from".$headers);

It works...

But now the real bug (yes it is !!) is when typing "Cc:" instead of
"cc:" => It looks like there's a emalloc error allocating -875642131
bytes (the number is not ever the same)... Think I'll open a new bug
entry !!! 


[2001-04-04 03:20:25] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Seems to work but i need to put addresses between <> for mail from: and
rcpt to: fields...


[2001-04-03 17:25:29] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

i'd suggest one thing - try this (it will give more light if the
problem is in your mailserver):

telnet localhost 25
helo there
mail from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
from: "your name" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
subject: some subject

some nice body


[2001-04-03 09:57:57] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

First, I tried making mail() function work() on a Win2k - IIS 5.0
server and on Win98SE - Apache 1.3.19 both with PHP 4.0.4pl1.

there are several things wrong (so far it wouldn't be me the problem
;-) ) :
- first :
mail ("Arnaud <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>","A subject here","A message body
(as mentioned in PHP manual), It won't work, i have a "Warning: Server
error on blabla.php3:lineXX" but if the "To:" Field is replace by just
an email adress : mail("[EMAIL PROTECTED]",....); this would work... So I
can't send mails with the name of the recipients properly set (just
their email adress)...
NB: Multiple "To:" Recipients works but only with email adresses

That's not the most important problem for me, the most important is Cc:
and Bcc: won't work.
The manual mentions to add From: Cc: and Bcc: information, in the
fourth parameters (the headers)... So I tried :
mail("[EMAIL PROTECTED]","A subject here","A (very nice !) body
here","From: The Administrator <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>\nBcc: My Friend
it obviously doesn't work :-(( (that's why I'm writing you !!)
There are several things to say :
- The From: section of headers works well, nothing to say about it...
No problem
- Seems the Bcc: part is just ignored, nothing happen, no mail is sent
to Bcc: address
- For Cc:, when typed "cc:" (all lowercase) seems to be ignored but
when typed "Cc:" => It looks like there is a memory leak or something
like that both IIS and Apache return me a "emalloc() : unable to
allocate -851230 bytes"... The number of unallocated bytes is not ever
the same but this is the same error message...

Extra info :
- On both config, the mail server is a local mail server (FTGate
- It seems that this bug is similar to #9858 and #9859 in the bug


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