From:             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Operating system: unix
PHP version:      4.2.0
PHP Bug Type:     Strings related
Bug description:  isset() and empty() wrong behavior for empty part of string

The following program displays a notice (error_reporting is set to display
all warnings):

for ($i=0; isset($a[$i]); $i++) {
       echo "\nChar $i:$a[$i]";


Displays the message

Notice:  Uninitialized string offset:  4 ... line 4

This is a bug, cause isset() is used to determine, if $a[4] is set or not,
so there has to be no message, that a var is not set. It happens also, if
you write $a{$i} instead of $a[$i] (this is the syntax, which will only be
supported from PHP5 up).

Cause isset() is used in empty(), empty has also this bug.

This bug has already been reported (#16528), but has been closed - perhaps
due to completly other example (array depending). I have been told that
it's not a bug. But as you directly see with this example it is. I have
written a mail to Derick Redhans who cleaned it, that it might be a fault
to clean it, but never heard an answer.

Please fix this bug, cause programmers, who write the following:

if ( !empty($a['bla']) )

will be complained with this Notice, even it is correct code (and maybe
that, what he wants). Of course it is correct to display the notice, if
you write:

echo $a['bla'];

A small suggestion: Cause Zeev said on PHP-Congress, that the above syntax
(with [] instead of {}) to exercise a char in a string is not supported
any more in PHP5, it might be a very good idea to implement a switch,
which will warn if you use the syntax right now! This switch could also be
used, to warn the programmer for other incompatibilities... with PHP5.

Edit bug report at
Fixed in CVS:
Fixed in release:
Need backtrace:
Try newer version:
Not developer issue:
Expected behavior:
Not enough info:
Submitted twice:

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