From:             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Operating system: Redhat 6.2
PHP version:      4.2.1
PHP Bug Type:     Filesystem function related
Bug description:  fopen ftp wrapper gets wrong path

The fopen ftp wrapper tries to look for files starting at the root of the
file system, rather than the applicable ftp base directory.  RFC 1738
gives the specifics of how FTP URLS are to be interpreted - each segment
of the path should be treated as a separate CWD command. RFC 1738 says
that the slash separating the ftp server name from the path is not part of
the path, and slashes included in the path should be encoded (so to ftp
the file /etc/motd the url <ftp:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/%2Fetc/motd> should be
used, which would correspond to CWD /etc ; RETR motd - wheras the url
<ftp:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/etc/motd> corresponds to something like CWD etc;
RETR motd - which would fetch the motd file from the user's etc

RFC 2396 now rules that the slash following the server name is part of the
path, but it's wrong to interpret this as meaning that the path requested
is based on the file system root - in HTML the initial slash indicates
that the path is absolute not relative, and it makes sense to continue to
interpret FTP urls in the same manner, especially as there is a mechanism
to address files outside the ftp file area.

There are a couple of implementation issues for resolving this problem -
compatibility to previous behaviour and the method of getting to the
destination directory.
Compatibility could be addressed by including a ftp_path_bug_behaviour
variable, or preferably just fixing the behaviour and documenting the
change in big letters.  
The issue of getting to the destination directory is probably only of
interest to nit-pickers, but here it is.  It's not outside the bounds of
possibility that an ftp server might perform magic when CWD'ing to a
directory, so it might be preferable to get to the destination of the path
by a series of CWD's.  However, it's also possible that the directory
structure is set up with unaccessable directories between the start of the
path and the end, so a one-hit grab might be in order. Both concerns could
be accomodated by first attempting a series of CWD's to get to the
destination directory, and if these are unsuccessful then attempt a
one-hit command before giving up.  However, I suspect that the one-hit
version would work for almost all users, and those users which need
something else can use the FTP module
Edit bug report at
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