Edit report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=28137&edit=1

 ID:                 28137
 Comment by:         gsantiago889 at hotmail dot com
 Reported by:        bwacker at adelphia dot net
 Summary:            about half the extensions don't load
 Status:             Bogus
 Type:               Bug
 Package:            Dynamic loading
 Operating System:   WXP-Windows NT OFFICE 5.1 build
 PHP Version:        4.3.6
 Block user comment: N
 Private report:     N

 New Comment:

Hello, i'am from argentine no speak english, but my problem is error with 
libcs.dll in php 5, please can you help me?. Thank

Previous Comments:
[2004-05-07 18:07:10] eselon at yahoo dot com

Copy all the extension dir dlls at your systm32 directory and you're ok.

[2004-04-26 00:22:31] sni...@php.net

Still bogus.

[2004-04-25 05:29:34] bwacker at adelphia dot net

OK, some of them work when all /extensions and all /dlls are put into the same 
directory and it is pathed. So the bugs are 1) Not saying so in the pip.ini 
template where it talks about Windows, and 2) The error not saying "couldn't 
find at xxx OR PATH."

The other bugs are that the following still don't work, with the probable 
causes, but the only error given is not found instead of "not found or missing 
dependent .dll"

Of course, if support people write the error messages in the code and the 
scripts, then they aren't really bugs and nobody is responsible for fixing them 
and saving the next poor soul a day a thrashing around an "bugging" you guys.

The extensions that still don't work and possible causes:
;extension=php_ifx.dll          needs ISQLT09A.DLL
;extension=php_iisfunc.dll      not in /extensions
;extension=php_mcrypt.dll       needs LIBMCRYPT.DLL
;extension=php_oci8.dll         needs OCI.DLL
;extension=php_oracle.dll       needs OCIW32.DLL
;extension=php_printer.dll      not in /extensions
;extension=php_sybase_ct.dll needs LIBCT.DLL and LIBCS.DLL

[2004-04-25 02:48:17] w...@php.net

or in this case, a broken PATH.
(best bet is to put all the PHP stuff together and put that dir in the path)

[2004-04-25 02:46:44] w...@php.net

If you read the other similar sounding reports, you
will find that 99.999% of them are due to you having
a broken installation (old .dll's hanging around).
Since this is a bug database, and not a support forum,
you were encouraged to ask elsewhere, on pain of being


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Edit this bug report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=28137&edit=1

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