Edit report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=50869&edit=1

 ID:               50869
 Updated by:       php-bugs@lists.php.net
 Reported by:      ant-n at yandex dot ru
 Summary:          Crashed Apache+php5.x+FireBird 2.x
-Status:           Feedback
+Status:           No Feedback
 Type:             Bug
 Package:          InterBase related
 Operating System: FreeBSD 8.0 Release (amd64)
 PHP Version:      5.3.1

 New Comment:

No feedback was provided. The bug is being suspended because
we assume that you are no longer experiencing the problem.
If this is not the case and you are able to provide the
information that was requested earlier, please do so and
change the status of the bug back to "Open". Thank you.

Previous Comments:
[2010-04-24 04:14:13] fel...@php.net

Please try using this snapshot:

For Windows:


[2010-01-28 05:08:51] ant-n at yandex dot ru

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
[Switching to Thread 8013021c0 (LWP 100124)]
0x00000008058b9949 in ThreadData::restoreSpecific ()
   from /usr/local/firebird/lib/libfbclient.so.2
(gdb) bt
#0  0x00000008058b9949 in ThreadData::restoreSpecific ()
   from /usr/local/firebird/lib/libfbclient.so.2
#1  0x00000008058d7439 in error ()
   from /usr/local/firebird/lib/libfbclient.so.2
#2  0x00000008058e0cc7 in REM_attach_database ()
   from /usr/local/firebird/lib/libfbclient.so.2
#3  0x00000008058cbd4b in isc_attach_database ()
   from /usr/local/firebird/lib/libfbclient.so.2
#4  0x0000000804e289d7 in _php_ibase_attach_db (args=0x7fffffffcb40,
    len=0x7fffffffcb20, largs=0x7fffffffcb00, db=0x7fffffffca44,
    tsrm_ls=0x806056e00) at /data/php-
#5  0x0000000804e29193 in _php_ibase_connect (ht=4, 
    return_value_ptr=0x0, this_ptr=0x0, return_value_used=1,
    tsrm_ls=0x806056e00, persistent=0)
    at /data/php-5.3.1/ext/interbase/interbase.c:991
#6  0x0000000804e29541 in zif_ibase_connect (ht=4, 
    return_value_ptr=0x0, this_ptr=0x0, return_value_used=1,
    tsrm_ls=0x806056e00) at /data/php-
#7  0x00000008050f6ed8 in zend_do_fcall_common_helper_SPEC (
    execute_data=0x80633e088, tsrm_ls=0x806056e00) at 
#8  0x00000008050fe37d in ZEND_DO_FCALL_SPEC_CONST_HANDLER (
    execute_data=0x80633e088, tsrm_ls=0x806056e00) at 
#9  0x00000008050f5843 in execute (op_array=0x8060944d8, 
    at zend_vm_execute.h:104
#10 0x00000008050bc70d in zend_execute_scripts (type=8, 
    retval=0x0, file_count=3) at /data/php-5.3.1/Zend/zend.c:1194
#11 0x000000080501b208 in php_execute_script 
    tsrm_ls=0x806056e00) at /data/php-5.3.1/main/main.c:2225
#12 0x00000008051cda72 in php_handler (r=0x8063380a8)
    at /data/php-5.3.1/sapi/apache2handler/sapi_apache2.c:648
#13 0x000000000043571a in ap_run_handler ()
#14 0x000000000043894c in ap_invoke_handler ()
#15 0x0000000000442cae in ap_process_request ()
#16 0x00000000004400b8 in ap_process_http_connection ()
#17 0x000000000043c612 in ap_run_process_connection ()
#18 0x0000000000446f01 in child_main ()
#19 0x0000000000447108 in make_child ()
#20 0x0000000000447b6f in ap_mpm_run ()
#21 0x00000000004230ca in main ()

[2010-01-28 04:13:06] ant-n at yandex dot ru

Apache crashed then in php script "ibase_connect()";
In console: php script.php All work Good!
Apache+PHP without "ibase_connect" Work Good;
PHP+FireBird without Apache Work Good;
Apache+PHP+FireBird Don't Work!
In Log Apache i Find: segmentation fault (11)


Edit this bug report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=50869&edit=1

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