Edit report at http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=52630&edit=1

 ID:                 52630
 Comment by:         giorgio dot liscio at email dot it
 Reported by:        giorgio dot liscio at email dot it
 Summary:            additional syntax for closures
 Status:             Assigned
 Type:               Bug
 Package:            Variables related
 Operating System:   all
 PHP Version:        5.3.3
 Assigned To:        stas
 Block user comment: N

 New Comment:

any alternative syntax can be good if the result is the same, defining
end invoking on the same instruction without using any var


$f = function($x) use($y){return $x * $y;};



(function($x) use($y) {return $x * $y;})(22);


function($x) use($y) {return $x * $y;}(22);


function($x) use($y) invoke(22) {return $x * $y;};


Previous Comments:
[2010-08-17 22:21:17] ka...@php.net

I belive stas' had a patch for this? Or atleast function call chaining,
but I assume if implemented it would allow this syntax?

[2010-08-17 22:17:26] giorgio dot liscio at email dot it

hi, would be nice having this syntax for closures




        function ($param) use ($x) { return $x*$param; }



a closure defined and executed in the same instruction, as JavaScript


Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=52630&edit=1

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