Edit report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=63780&edit=1

 ID:          63780
 Updated by:  php-bugs@lists.php.net
 Reported by: php dot maks3w at virtualplanets dot net
 Summary:     Segmentation fault when try to get $request
-Status:      Feedback
+Status:      No Feedback
 Type:        Bug
 Package:     SOAP related
 PHP Version: 5.4.9

 New Comment:

No feedback was provided. The bug is being suspended because
we assume that you are no longer experiencing the problem.
If this is not the case and you are able to provide the
information that was requested earlier, please do so and
change the status of the bug back to "Open". Thank you.

Previous Comments:
[2013-01-23 11:11:19] saschaprolic at googlemail dot com

I experienced the same bug. You can find my strace log at: 

[2012-12-16 11:17:29] re...@php.net

Thank you for this bug report. To properly diagnose the problem, we
need a backtrace to see what is happening behind the scenes. To
find out how to generate a backtrace, please read
http://bugs.php.net/bugs-generating-backtrace.php for *NIX and
http://bugs.php.net/bugs-generating-backtrace-win32.php for Win32

Once you have generated a backtrace, please submit it to this bug
report and change the status back to "Open". Thank you for helping
us make PHP better.

[2012-12-15 18:06:17] php dot maks3w at virtualplanets dot net

Situation: Custom class which extend from SoapClient and override "public 
function __doRequest($request, $location, $action, $version, $one_way = null)"

$request can't be used to compare strings, instead throw a Segmentation Fault 

$request looks like a C Pointer or any other type instead of a PHP String type

As workaround you can filter the variable passing the value through a function 
which return basically the same value of the argument passed as input (like 
ltrim) after that it's possible save the returned value and now is a normal PHP 
String and can be compared.

Test script:
public $lastRequest;

function __doRequest($request, $location, $action, $version, $one_way = 0) {
    $this->lastRequest = $request;

$this->assertEquals('SomeContent', $this->lastRequest); // Segmentation Faul.

public $lastRequest;

function __doRequest($request, $location, $action, $version, $one_way = 0) {
    $this->lastRequest = ltrim($request); // Pass $request through a function

$this->assertEquals('SomeContent', $this->lastRequest); // Works


Edit this bug report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=63780&edit=1

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