Edit report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=64011&edit=1

 ID:                 64011
 Updated by:         cataphr...@php.net
 Reported by:        spam2 at rhsoft dot net
 Summary:            PHP 5.4 BREAKS get_html_translation_table()
-Status:             Verified
+Status:             Closed
 Type:               Bug
 Package:            Scripting Engine problem
 PHP Version:        5.4.10
 Assigned To:        cataphract
 Block user comment: N
 Private report:     N

 New Comment:

Automatic comment on behalf of glo...@nebm.ist.utl.pt
Log: Fix bug #64011 (get_html_translation_table())

Previous Comments:
[2013-01-17 15:34:32] spam2 at rhsoft dot net

the 5.4 return value can not be seriously

hopefully at least "Returns the translation table used by 
htmlspecialchars() and htmlentities()" is NOT true

however, this breaks dialogs for special chars using
this table and insert the enitity in the HTML code

realize that not every page out there is UTF8 and never will be

PHP 5.4:

php -r "print_r(get_html_translation_table(HTML_ENTITIES, ENT_QUOTES, 
    ["] => "
    [&] => &
    ['] => '
    [<] => &lt;
    [>] => &gt;

PHP 5.3:

php -r "print_r(get_html_translation_table(HTML_ENTITIES, ENT_QUOTES, 
    [ ] => &nbsp;
    [¡] => &iexcl;
    [¢] => &cent;
    [£] => &pound;
    [¤] => &curren;
    [Â¥] => &yen;
    [¦] => &brvbar;
    [§] => &sect;
    [¨] => &uml;
    [©] => &copy;
    [ª] => &ordf;
    [«] => &laquo;
    [¬] => &not;
    [­] => &shy;
    [®] => &reg;
    [¯] => &macr;
    [°] => &deg;
    [±] => &plusmn;
    [²] => &sup2;
    [³] => &sup3;
    [´] => &acute;
    [µ] => &micro;
    [¶] => &para;
    [·] => &middot;
    [¸] => &cedil;
    [¹] => &sup1;
    [º] => &ordm;
    [»] => &raquo;
    [¼] => &frac14;
    [½] => &frac12;
    [¾] => &frac34;
    [¿] => &iquest;
    [À] => &Agrave;
    [Á] => &Aacute;
    [Â] => &Acirc;
    [Ã] => &Atilde;
    [Ä] => &Auml;
    [Å] => &Aring;
    [Æ] => &AElig;
    [Ç] => &Ccedil;
    [È] => &Egrave;
    [É] => &Eacute;
    [Ê] => &Ecirc;
    [Ë] => &Euml;
    [Ì] => &Igrave;
    [Í] => &Iacute;
    [Î] => &Icirc;
    [Ï] => &Iuml;
    [Ð] => &ETH;
    [Ñ] => &Ntilde;
    [Ò] => &Ograve;
    [Ó] => &Oacute;
    [Ô] => &Ocirc;
    [Õ] => &Otilde;
    [Ö] => &Ouml;
    [×] => &times;
    [Ø] => &Oslash;
    [Ù] => &Ugrave;
    [Ú] => &Uacute;
    [Û] => &Ucirc;
    [Ü] => &Uuml;
    [Ý] => &Yacute;
    [Þ] => &THORN;
    [ß] => &szlig;
    [à] => &agrave;
    [á] => &aacute;
    [â] => &acirc;
    [ã] => &atilde;
    [ä] => &auml;
    [Ã¥] => &aring;
    [æ] => &aelig;
    [ç] => &ccedil;
    [è] => &egrave;
    [é] => &eacute;
    [ê] => &ecirc;
    [ë] => &euml;
    [ì] => &igrave;
    [í] => &iacute;
    [î] => &icirc;
    [ï] => &iuml;
    [ð] => &eth;
    [ñ] => &ntilde;
    [ò] => &ograve;
    [ó] => &oacute;
    [ô] => &ocirc;
    [õ] => &otilde;
    [ö] => &ouml;
    [÷] => &divide;
    [ø] => &oslash;
    [ù] => &ugrave;
    [ú] => &uacute;
    [û] => &ucirc;
    [ü] => &uuml;
    [ý] => &yacute;
    [þ] => &thorn;
    [ÿ] => &yuml;
    [&] => &amp;
    ["] => &quot;
    ['] => &#039;
    [<] => &lt;
    [>] => &gt;

Test script:
php -r "print_r(get_html_translation_table(HTML_ENTITIES, ENT_QUOTES, 

Expected result:
the full entity table like it worked for many years

Actual result:
a crippled array


Edit this bug report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=64011&edit=1

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