Can you send your HTML form structure? How many HTML form do you
use? It's important to solve your problems :)
Haydar TUNA
Republic Of Turkey - Ministry of National Education
Education Technology Department Ankara / TURKEY
Web: http://www.haydartuna.net
"Ron Piggott" <[EMAIL P
Wouldn't the simplest solution be to update the entire account all the time?
You are presenting all the data to the user each time any way...so updating
the record is a given anyway.
The benefits are that the sql is simplified since there are only two
statments (insert and update) and the code
I am wanting to ask a question about IF statements.
I have been developing a PHP > mySQL based subscription tracking
I am trying to set up an administration screen now where admin could
update an address, e-mail address, subscription(s), etc. OR (and this is
the key) update the enti