What Does God look for in our heart?


How does God give everyone from the beginning of time an equal opportunity to be

The scriptures teach us God wants everyone to be saved ( 1 Tim 2:4
<http://biblehub.com/context/1_timothy/2-3.htm> ), and that he is Just (
Deuteronomy 32:4
<http://biblehub.com/deuteronomy/32-4.htm> ); and shows no favoritism ( Romans
<http://biblehub.com/romans/2-11.htm> ).

Because God is Just and shows no favoritism He does not give anyone an advantage
over another when it comes to salvation.  Those born in a Godly home have no
more of an advantage to be saved than someone born in a remote part of the world
who has never heard the gospel.  Those born after Jesus death have no more of an
advantage to be saved than someone born before his death.

How does God give everyone an equal opportunity to be saved?  The answer lies in
the innermost part of our being ( Psalm 51:6
<http://biblehub.com/nasb/psalms/51-6.htm> )!

God enlightens everyone that comes into the world ( John 1:9
<http://biblehub.com/john/1-9.htm> ), He draws us to him first because we are
not able to come to him on our own ( John 6:44
<http://biblehub.com/john/6-44.htm> ).  If we accept his invitation he leads us
to salvation ( John 16:13
<http://biblehub.com/nasb/mark/4-20.htm> )!

What does God look for in our heart?

A wonderful example may be found with one of the two criminals who died with
Jesus on the cross. One criminal was invited to Paradise ( Luke 23:43
<http://biblehub.com/luke/23-43.htm> ) the other was not.  Why such different

Both criminals hurled abuse towards Jesus ( Mark 15:32
<http://biblehub.com/mark/15-32.htm> ), but one of them began to acknowledge him
as the Christ, pleading with Jesus to save himself and him!  Jesus saw the
motive of his heart and did not respond.

The other criminal who also hurled abuse towards Jesus began to reveal a
different motive so Jesus invited him to Paradise!

Let’s take a closer look at what God uncovered in the heart of these two
criminals.  Their heart is revealed in eight statements; two by the criminal who
did not receive an invitation to Paradise and six by the criminal who was
invited ( Luke 23:39-43
<http://biblehub.com/context/luke/23-38.htm> ). 

We should note the scriptures are clear man’s heart is deceitful and
desperately wicked ( Jeremiah 17:9
<http://biblehub.com/jeremiah/17-9.htm> ) but it gives room for desire ( Acts
<http://biblehub.com/acts/13-22.htm> , Luke 18:13
<http://biblehub.com/luke/18-13.htm> , Joshua 24:15
<http://biblehub.com/joshua/24-15.htm> , Matt 13:15
<http://biblehub.com/matthew/13-15.htm> ).

Statement #1 “Are you not the Christ”?  (Uninvited Criminal)
His reference to Jesus as the Christ is more of a political statement in an
effort to solicit a favor rather than be in awe of who Jesus is.

 Statement #2 “Save yourself and us”.  (Uninvited Criminal)
His earthly life is his primary interest and he doesn’t see the need for Jesus
to die.

Statement #1 “Do you not even fear God”? (Invited criminal)
He begins with the fear of God!  How apropos considering the “Fear of God”
is the beginning of wisdom ( Psalms 111:10
<http://biblehub.com/psalms/111-10.htm> ).

Statement #2 “Since you are under the same sentence of condemnation”?
(Invited criminal)
He was ashamed when compared to Jesus who was equally being condemned.

Statement #3 “and we indeed are suffering justly” (Invited criminal)
He acknowledged the consequences for his actions.

Statement #4 “for we are receiving what we deserve for our deeds” (Invited
He took ownership of what he had done wrong (I am a sinner).

Statement #5 “but this man has done nothing wrong”! (Invited criminal)
He confesses Jesus was innocent ( John 1:29
<http://biblehub.com/john/1-29.htm> )! Symbolizing the Lamb of God.

Statement #6 “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom”! (Invited
God’s kingdom is where his will is ( Matt 6:10
<http://biblehub.com/matthew/6-10.htm> ).  He wanted God’s will over his own!

Notice the similarity of Adam’s heart with the criminal invited to Paradise…

Adam feared God: “I was afraid”( Gen 3:10
<http://biblehub.com/genesis/3-10.htm> )!

Adam was ashamed: “I was naked”( Gen 3:10
<http://biblehub.com/genesis/3-10.htm> )!

Adam was aware of consequences: “I hid myself”( Gen 3:10
<http://biblehub.com/genesis/3-10.htm> ).

Adam took ownership of doing wrong: “I ate”( Gen 3:12
<http://biblehub.com/genesis/3-12.htm> ).

Adam was clothed by God with the skin of an animal (death). Symbolizing the Lamb
of God ( Gen 3:21
<http://biblehub.com/genesis/3-21.htm> ).

Adam was forced from the Garden ( Gen 3:24
<http://biblehub.com/genesis/3-24.htm> ) indicating his desire to stay in the
garden where God’s will is.

The eternal destiny of both criminals were determined by what God revealed in
their heart.  Salvation for the criminal invited to Paradise was not dependent
upon him do anything except having a desire for God!  His desire encompassed the
fear of God, being ashamed, being aware of consequences, owning up to his
actions, confessing the Lamb of God and relinquishing his will for God’s will.
 It was not his words alone that God cared about it was his motive! It is the
same motive he finds in the heart of the saved ( 1st Samuel 16:7
<http://biblehub.com/1_samuel/16-7.htm> ), ( Hebrews 4:12
<http://biblehub.com/hebrews/4-12.htm> ). God deals with man differently
throughout our history but what he looks for in our heart remains the same.

God sends his children into the world to spread the Gospel and be a light to
those who respond to his call! He searches the hearts of everyone ( 1 Chronicles
<http://biblehub.com/1_chronicles/28-9.htm> ) and knows those who are his (
Psalms 1:6
<http://biblehub.com/psalms/1-6.htm> ), ( 1 Cor 8:3
<http://biblehub.com/1_corinthians/8-3.htm> ), ( John 10:14
<http://biblehub.com/psalms/1-6.htm> ).

We must understand someone’s salvation does not originate from us it
originates from God and he takes the responsibility to see to it they are
reached ( Acts 10:30
<http://biblehub.com/context/acts/10-30.htm> ).  Even Jesus himself did not take
credit for bringing people to God ( John 6:39
<http://biblehub.com/john/6-39.htm> ), ( John 17:6
<http://biblehub.com/john/17-6.htm> ), ( John 5:19
<http://biblehub.com/john/5-19.htm> ).

God created us to have a relationship with him!  Even as sinners he has provided
a way we can still have that relationship through his son Jesus!  Everyone is
given the same freedom to respond to the call of God.

For those whom God uncovers this desire there is nothing that can separate us
from him.  The World, Satan and our Carnal nature are no match when in battle
with God ( Romans 8:38-39
<http://biblehub.com/context/romans/8-38.htm> )!

It is amazing to think God undertakes our salvation if we have a desire for him
and causes us to be what he wants us to be ( Ezekiel 36:26-28
<http://biblehub.com/context/ezekiel/36-26.htm> )!

Jesus said his sheep know his voice and they follow him ( John 10:27
<http://biblehub.com/john/10-27.htm> )!  There are times we will fail and we may
even go astray but our desire for God remains and we find our way back to him (
Luke 15:11-32
<http://biblehub.com/context/luke/15-11.htm> )!

As it is written; "No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined
the things that God has prepared for those who love him." ( 1 Cor 2:9
<http://biblehub.com/1_corinthians/2-9.htm> )!


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