On 03/06/15 09:37, Aziz Saleh wrote:
On Wed, Jun 3, 2015 at 12:25 AM, Ron Piggott
<mailto:ron.pigg...@actsministries.org>> wrote:
On 02/06/15 23:20, Aziz Saleh wrote:
On Tue, Jun 2, 2015 at 11:08 PM, Ron Piggott
mailto:ron.pigg...@actsministries.org>> wrote:
On 02/06/15 23:20, Aziz Saleh wrote:
On Tue, Jun 2, 2015 at 11:08 PM, Ron Piggott
<mailto:ron.pigg...@actsministries.org>> wrote:
On 02/06/15 22:58, Aziz Saleh wrote:
On Tue, Jun 2, 2015 at 10:50 PM, Ron Piggott
mailto:ron.pigg...@actsministries.org>> wrote:
On 02/06/15 22:58, Aziz Saleh wrote:
On Tue, Jun 2, 2015 at 10:50 PM, Ron Piggott
<mailto:ron.pigg...@actsministries.org>> wrote:
I am working through the process of removing \'s from the
database. I am trying to get this query using a variable starting
with &quo
I am working through the process of removing \'s from the database. I am
trying to get this query using a variable starting with "<<<"
$query1 =<<|#1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that
corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use
This is extremely helpful. Thank you very much.
SELECT * FROM information_schema.COLUMNS WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA="'.$val.'"
* where $val is a database
On Wednesday November 5 2014 2:14 AM, Roberto Spadim wrote:
with mariadb/mysql:
2014-11-05 4:20 GMT-02:00 Ron Pigg
Hi Everyone.
I am wondering if there are database queries that would
a: produce the result of all the tables with a database *
b: produce the result of all the columns with the specified database table *
* I don't want any other details than these names.
I am trying to build a WHILE loop that
A suggestion I was given is to use the mySQL "CONVERT_TZ" command with the
PHP time zone names. But when I do:
SELECT CONVERT_TZ( `journal_entry`.`occurance_date` , 'GMT',
'America/Bahia' ) FROM `journal_entry`
I am receiving "NULL" as the resulting date. Does mySQL accept PHP time
I hope this paints a clear picture of what I am working on. If you need
clarification please ask me. Thank you for helping me. Ron
Ron Piggott
die(print_r($stmt->errorInfo(), true)) ) {
# retrieve auto_increment value
$new_record_reference = $dbh->lastInsertId();
Ron Piggott
high quality and not hap hazard.
Thank you for any help you are able to provide me with.
Ron Piggott
“description” field
Ron Piggott
Ron Piggott
On Tue, Jan 31, 2012 at 6:35 PM, Ron Piggott
Hi Everyone.
I manage an e-mail list. I am trying to add a new function into it:
suspensions. The idea is that someone wouldn’t have to unsubscribe.
Instead there would be a record of their suspension in the table
ON `member`.`record` =
CURDATE() BETWEEN `member_subscription_suspensions`.`subscription_begins` AND
`member_subscriptions`.`list` = 1
How do I change this query to exclude any on
I have two questions about Prepared Statements from the code below:
The purpose of the first $query is to determine if the authorization code
supplied is both accurate and also live
- When the authorization code is generated it is given a time frame when it
must be used in. The columns `st
Excel is interpreting a comma as the start of a new field.
This is problematic in fields where a comma legitimately exists in the
middle of a field.
I am wondering how phpmyadmin makes Excel files "on the fly" --- Is it a
I am unsure how to proceed.
Ron Piggott
Trying to setup so within the administration screen the users may download
the database.
Ron Piggott
-Original Message-
From: Bastien Koert
Sent: Tuesday, November 08, 2011 1:33 PM
To: Ron Piggott
Cc: php-db@lists.php.net
Subject: Re: [PHP-DB
What is the preferred method used to export mySQL to Excel within the context
of PHP? I have looked on Google and found a wide variety of options. Ron
Ron Piggott
I need help creating a mySQL query that will select the correct introduction
message for a website I am making. The way I have designed the table I can’t
wrap my mind around the SELECT query that will deal with the day # of the
The part of the SELECT syntax I am struggling with is wh
In my Bible_Trivia table I have the columns
`trivia_answer_1`, `trivia_answer_2`, `trivia_answer_3`, `trivia_answer_4`,
`answer` is an integer always with a value of 1 to 4. Is there a way to use the
value of `answer` to only select the correct trivia answer?
This doesn’t work, but t
I need my Prepared Statement database connection to be able to connect with two
different databases (which use the same username / password).
They are assigned variables
$database1 and $database2
What I have been using so far is:
$dsh = 'mysql:host=localhost;dbname='. $database1;
$dbh = new
IT 1 ) , 5, 0
) + ( IF( (
SELECT 10 AS discount
FROM `subscriber_details`
WHERE `email` = '$client_email'
), 10, 0 ) )
) AS discount_percentage
The Verse of the Day
“Encouragement from God’s Word”
From: Amit Tandon
Sent: Monday, August 22, 2
I am trying to write a database query that determine the customer loyalty
discount for an online store. I am wondering if there is a way of doing this
as 1 query, instead of multiple and using PHP to do the math?
- I want to offer a 10% discount if the person is a subscriber
SELECT 10 AS disc
I am setting up a daily cron job to update the site map on my web site.
I want to delete any records that weren’t updated by the cron job each day.
The way I can distinguish this is with the timestamp column named
“last_record_update” If a record wasn’t updated it is no longer part of the
I am trying to setup a cross reference database query for the first time. What
I am trying to do is have a table with the structure:
`frequently_accessed_passages_of_scripture_cross_reference` (
`reference` int(5) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
Hi Everyone.
Using the following query:
SELECT `topic` FROM `frequently_accessed_passages_of_scripture` WHERE
`frequently_accessed_passages_of_scripture_theme_reference` = 1
I would like to parse all the words out of the column "topic" that are 4
characters long or more, in alphabetical ord
-Original Message-
From: Geoff Lane
Sent: Thursday, June 23, 2011 2:15 AM
To: Ron Piggott
Cc: php-db@lists.php.net
Subject: Re: mysql COUNT row results
Hi Ron,
On Thursday, June 23, 2011, 6:14:38 AM, you wrote:
Is there a way that
SELECT COUNT(auto_increment) as
Is there a way that
SELECT COUNT(auto_increment) as total_subscribers , `email` FROM `table`
may exist within the same query and provide more than 1 row of search results?
When I run a query like this the COUNT portion of the result is allowing only 1
to be selected. My desire is to have
I have continued to work on the average query I need help. I am still needing
What I don’t understand is why
`bible_anagrams_rss_feed`.`rss_feed_date` BETWEEN
`bible_anagrams_rss_feed`.`rss_feed_date` AND DATE_SUB(
`bible_anagrams_rss_feed`.`rss_feed_date` , INTERVAL -1 WEEK )
Hi Everyone
I am trying to figure out how to write a SELECT query that will give me the
average of `bible_anagrams`.`views` starting on the date specified in
`bible_anagrams_rss_feed`.`rss_feed_date` and the previous 6 calendar days (for
a total of 7 days). What I am trying to figure out is t
I created a VIEW “table” yesterday. Last night when the cron job ran to back
up the database I received this error:
mysqldump: Couldn't execute 'show create table
`bible_anagrams_rss_feed_summary`': SHOW VIEW command denied to user
I use the following syntax to do the backup of the databas
What command will tell me the # of rows the SELECT query retrieved using
Prepared Statements.
$dsh = 'mysql:host=localhost;dbname='.$database;
$dbh = new PDO($dsh, $username, $password);
$stmt = $dbh->prepare($query);
$stmt->bindParam(':email', $email);
$stmt->bindParam(':pass', $pass);
I figured out last night’s query and it’s a dozy.
The sub query
SELECT * FROM `verse_of_the_day_Bible_trivia` WHERE
`verse_of_the_day_Bible_trivia`.`live` =1 ORDER BY
`verse_of_the_day_Bible_trivia`.`date_added` DESC
puts the questions into descending order making the INNER JOIN link wi
Is there a way in the query below that the “LEFT OUTER JOIN” connects with only
the most recently added entry in `verse_of_the_day_Bible_trivia` for each
category ( `verse_of_the_day_Bible_trivia`.`Bible_trivia_category_reference` )
based on the column `verse_of_the_day_Bible_trivia`.`date_adde
thank you for explaining this to me Amit. It works. Ron
The Verse of the Day
“Encouragement from God’s Word”
From: Amit Tandon
Sent: Friday, May 06, 2011 5:49 AM
To: Ron Piggott
Cc: php-db@lists.php.net
Subject: Re: [PHP-DB] COUNT and OUTER JOIN results
The following query returns all 8 prayer request categories with the total #
of requests every submitted to each category:
SELECT `prayer_request_category`.`reference` ,
`prayer_request_category`.`category` , COUNT(
`prayer_requests`.`reference` ) AS category_request_count
FROM `prayer_reques
Thank you for the suggestion. This is the actual query that I implemented:
Amazing how this works. Ron
SELECT SUM( `impressions_total` ) AS impressions_total , SUM( `usage_total` )
AS usage_total FROM (
SELECT IF ( SUM( `web_advertisements_our_clients_usage`.`
Hi Everyone.
I am trying to do a SUM of the "impressions" and "usage" columns from 2
different tables using a UNION ALL.
I have tested that the individual SELECT queries work. I am unsure of the
layout for the UNION ALL. Would you help me tweak this query?
I also wanted to ask is "usage"
I am programming the search feature for a directory. I am trying to make the
query display the results in order of relevance (Greatest to least). I thought
I had to perform the query similar to a column being selected in order to sort
the results by "relevance". What changes do I need to make
I have found mySQL commands for LCASE and UCASE, but nothing equal to the PHP
command “ucwords”.
Is there a mysql command or will I need to use PHP to manipulate the strings?
The Verse of the Day
“Encouragement from God’s Word”
Is there a command in mySQL that would allow me to SELECT the rows where the
`fax` column is more than 11 characters long?
Do I need to use PHP to assess this?
The Verse of the Day
“Encouragement from God’s Word”
Sent: Tuesday, March 08, 2011 11:20 AM
To: Ron Piggott
Cc: php-db@lists.php.net
Subject: Re: [PHP-DB] UPDATE query
On Tue, Mar 8, 2011 at 11:16 AM, Ron Piggott
I am wondering if there is a way to do an UPDATE query where only some of
the text changes.
The column I need to modify
I was wondering this Bastien. Ron
The Verse of the Day
“Encouragement from God’s Word”
-Original Message-
From: Bastien Koert
Sent: Tuesday, March 08, 2011 11:20 AM
To: Ron Piggott
Cc: php-db@lists.php.net
Subject: Re: [PHP-DB] UPDATE query
On Tue
I am wondering if there is a way to do an UPDATE query where only some of the
text changes.
The column I need to modify is named “toll_free”
What I need to search for is: 800-
I need it to replace it with is 1-800-
- BUT I don’t want to change instances of 1-800-
- I need to leave the rest of
When I used Prepared Statements how do I check for the # of rows found (Equal
to mysql_numrows )?
IE Following the command:
$stmt->execute() or die(print_r($stmt->errorInfo(), true));
The Verse of the Day
“Encouragement from God’s Word”
I would like to have the search results display in order of relevance --- and
essentially add these two lines to the query.
HAVING relevance > 0.2
ORDER BY relevance DESC
However with how I built the database and the search spanning several tables I
am unsure how to do this. Could someon
I am just starting to use Prepared Statements and am in a learning curve.
I am working on the code below. It is for a directory. This is to select the
listing for updating.
How do I tell if there are more than 1 search result?
Am I correctly retrieving the results, if there is more than 1?
Does mySQL have the ability to figure out if it is leap year? If so, what is
the correct syntax for:
AND `day` <> 366 "unless it is leap year"
The Verse of the Day
“Encouragement from God’s Word”
-Original Message-
From: Bastien Koert
Sent: Sunday, January 30, 2011 4:10 PM
To: Ron Piggott
Cc: php-db@lists.php.net
Subject: Re: [PHP-DB] RSS Feed
On Sun, Jan 30, 2011 at 2:27 PM, Ron Piggott
I have a question about the mySQL query below. T
I have a question about the mySQL query below. The purpose is to find the last
15 days Bible reading for an RSS feed.
In the table each day’s reading is assigned the day # in the year (between 1
and 365). But if the query is ran on January 6th, for example, it will only
find 6 rows in the
I had an extra “=” sign by the WHERE, my mistake, I couldn’t see it originally.
The Verse of the Day
“Encouragement from God’s Word”
From: Ron Piggott
Sent: Saturday, January 08, 2011 7:42 AM
To: php-db@lists.php.net
Subject: Top 10 Query
I am trying
I am trying to write a mySQL query to determine if the current word being
displayed in the game is one of the top 10 most popular. I am trying to
achieve this by creating a table that tracks how many times each word was
accessed. A new row is created for each access to the word. The table
This works very well. Thank you for your assistance Dan. Ron
The Verse of the Day
“Encouragement from God’s Word”
-Original Message-
From: Daniel Brown
Sent: Wednesday, January 05, 2011 9:34 PM
To: Ron Piggott
Cc: php-db@lists.php.net ; Mike Stowe
I am working on a word matching application. Specifically the user will match
a word with it’s definition. I have made some progress since my last post for
help (2 or 3 days ago).
I need help knowing how to alternate between displaying the word and it’s
echo "\r\n";
echo "\
y words on the screen
foreach($match_words as $word) {
echo $word . "\r\n";
The Verse of the Day
“Encouragement from God’s Word”
From: Ron Piggott
Sent: Sunday, January 02, 2011 5:54 PM
To: php-db@lists.php.net
Subject: Word Activity Application
I am working on a word activity --- matching words and their definitions.
I want to display 5 words on the left hand side and the 5 definitions on the
right hand side. But I want the definitions displayed in a different order
than the words so the user submits their answer.
Should I use P
The INSERT INTO query successfully executes EXACTLY as it is. The bind’s
aren’t working. :{Variable name] is being saved to the database. What do I
need to change? I am not understanding this yet. Ron
$dsh = 'mysql:host=localhost;dbname='.$database2;
$dbh = new PDO($dsh, $username, $passwo
I am trying to implement Prepared Statements on my web site and this is the
first time I have ever used this.
#1) I received the error “class mysql not defined”. That is a reference to the
first line of code (below) where the database connection is established.
#2) How do I assign the aut
because the SELECT queried for the information I am using
for this RSS Feed.
The Verse of the Day
“Encouragement from God’s Word”
From: Ron Piggott
Sent: Sunday, December 19, 2010 11:38 PM
To: php-db@lists.php.net
Subject: SUM() Math in mySQL
I am working
I am working on the query below. It’s purpose is to manage the RSS Feed for
the site.
The part of the query I am struggling with is:
SUM(`include_in_rss_feed`) AS current_rss_feed
What I need is the total value of *ALL* the `include_in_rss_feed` , not the
specific row.
What change is needed to this query so if “currently_in_rss” is NULL it will be
assigned a value of 0
SELECT `reference`, COUNT(`reference`) AS currently_in_rss FROM
`ministry_profiles` WHERE `rss_feed_include` = 1 GROUP BY `rss_feed_include`
The Verse of the Day
“Encouragement from God’s
When I do the following query in mySQL only 1 record is retrieved.
SELECT * FROM `paypal_payment_info` WHERE `os1` NOT LIKE 'commission_paid'
I am surprised by this. This one record has no characters in it, but the
“INSERT INTO” that created it used: ( `os1` ) VALUES ( ‘’ ) instead of: ( `o
My question is with the syntax below: If the “ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `name` =
'$name'” occurs will $_SESSION['referral_clients_reference'] be populated with
the mysql_insert_id() value? If not, should I just query for it? Ron
mysql_query("INSERT INTO `referral_clients` ( `reference` , `name`
: Wednesday, November 10, 2010 10:08 AM
To: Ron Piggott
Cc: php-db@lists.php.net
Subject: Re: [PHP-DB] French and Spanish Accent Letters
On Wed, Nov 10, 2010 at 10:03, Ron Piggott
I have a column that is VARCHAR 250. I need it to be able to accept
french and spanish accents. The purpose
I have a column that is VARCHAR 250. I need it to be able to accept french and
spanish accents. The purpose of the column is organization names. The
“Collation” default is “latin1_swedish_ci” What do I need to do? Ron
The Verse of the Day
“Encouragement from God’s Word”
I have moved the GROUP BY outside now Chris.
In the queries that make up the UNION ALL (such as below) is there a way to
only SELECT matches that are 70% or greater based on the users input? Right
now each and every listing is a search result.
SELECT `ministry_profiles`.`reference`
The query works using UNION ALL and MATCH ( ) AGAINST --- one table at a
time for the MATCH. The down side is that each SELECT is giving it's own
search results. The directory listings are being displayed multiple times
when one of the SELECTS produces it as a result. How do I limit the
Bastien (and others) I am still having one problem with this query I don't
know how to resolve:
When I add the category column: `ministry_categories`.`category` as part of
the MATCH () I receive the error:
"Incorrect arguments to MATCH"
I create the LEFT OUTER JOINs to allow additional column
Very much so. Thank you Bastien. I have never used an OUTER join before
and didn't know it would be required for this project. Ron
From: "Bastien"
Sent: Thursday, October 21, 2010 8:03 PM
To: "Ron Piggott"
Cc: &
I am still struggling with this query still although I have made great
progress. The following query (below) executes successfully.
Right now the query returns no rows. I believe this is because there isn't
automatically a record in the following three tables.
From: "Bastien"
Sent: Thursday, October 21, 2010 7:12 AM
To: "Artur E
Is it possible to create one index on multiple tables? I am trying to create a
search function for my web site. The data the user needs to be able to search
is stored in multiple tables. I would like to be able to use "MATCH /
AGAINST", like the query below I found online.
SELECT firstname
Is there a query you could help me write a SELECT query that would search table
`ministry_profiles` for where column `organization` has the same organization
more than once? I am trying to delete the duplicate organization records, but
I am working with 1,000+ businesses and I can't go through
For a query similar to:
SELECT * FROM `tablle` WHERE `column` LIKE 'Sally's Hair Parlor'
how do I escape the ' for 's?
nction. Alternatively, SQL also has the
> Soundex function , and MySQL has sound_like, which means you could get the
> possible matches returned through the dataset.
> Hope this helps!
>> -- Forwarded message --
>> From: "Ron Piggott"
I am wondering if there is a way to or how you would have mySQL query for
similar words in comparison to what the user provided.
I have a table which contains only single words. It has two columns:
- `reference` int(10) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
- `word` varchar(100)
I am wondering if there is
I wrote the query below to determine the 10 most popular words used:
SELECT COUNT( `bible_concordance_usage`.`reference` ) AS word_usage,
`bible_concordance_words`.`reference` , `bible_concordance_words`.`word`
FROM `bible_concordance_usage`
INNER JOIN `bible_concordance_words` ON
I am receiving the following error Adriano:
SQL query:
ALTER TABLE `stats` DROP `visits` CREATE TABLE `stats2` LIKE `stats` ;
MySQL said: Documentation
#1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that
corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near
I am wondering if something like the following will work in mySQL:
KEY FIRST ORDER BY `initial_access` ASC
This particular syntax won't work though.
initial_access is a column that contains a unix timestamp.
I am trying
I figured it out, the permissions weren't set on the user to allow the
command to work. Ron
PHP Database Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php
I am wondering why:
SELECT * FROM `bible_concordance_usage` WHERE `date_accessed` = CURDATE()
Doesn't work when `date_accessed` is column type "timestamp"
What would work?
PHP Database Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php
I am making a Bible concordance. I need help with the query that figures
out how many times each word is in the Bible.
The COUNT() in the query below is giving me the total number of words for
the letter of the alphabet, not the specific word, and is causing there to
be only 1 search result.
I h
If the variable $segment has an ' in it the $query won't work because of
having 3 ' 's.
Should I be using:
$segment = mysql_real_escape_string($segment);
before querying the database?
$query="SELECT `reference` FROM `bible_concordance_words` WHERE `word` =
'$segment' LIMIT 1";
Please note: $s
LIKE' to 'NOT IN' in the outer query.
Sent from my iPhone
On 19/07/2010, at 4:15 AM, "Ron Piggott" wrote:
> I am still working on this query and wondering if I should be taking a
> different approach --- to use a sub query to figure out which questions
I am still working on this query and wondering if I should be taking a
different approach --- to use a sub query to figure out which questions
have been answered and then an "outter" query to not select one of them.
But mySQL is giving me the error that the subquery has more than 1 row ---
I have
I am writing a Bible trivia application. I am trying to write the mySQL
query that will select the next question reference number and the current
question is answered. The value I want to retrieve It is in the field:
I don't think I have my LEFT JOIN'
Thanks, Ron
-Original Message-
From: Andrés G. Montañez
To: ron.pigg...@actsministries.org
Cc: php-db@lists.php.net
Subject: Re: [PHP-DB] NULL to 0
Date: Sat, 17 Jul 2010 23:20:20 -0300
0) AS total_s
What modification does this query need that if either total_score or
questions_answered have a value of "NULL" that it will be changed to 0
("ZERO") Ron
SELECT SUM(`my_Bible_trivia_knowledge_questions_answered`.`score`) AS
total_score, `my_Bible_trivia_knowledge_profile`.`questions_answered` FRO
Yes I have checked that $last_mailing_date contains a date.
I was wrong, It doesn't work when it is live. I had only ran the first
query before I added the "AND NOT" portion, sorry.
> I am trying to write a query to select a trivia question, but I don't want
> the trivia question categor
I am trying to write a query to select a trivia question, but I don't want
the trivia question category to be the same two days in a row so I added a
second "SELECT" syntax to find out what category was used yesterday. This
works when I test it "live", but doesn't work when it is part of a cron
I have a 'Highlights' heading on my home page. It is for links to content
on the site ... like specific web pages
I have designed the query below to select the two most popular and least
popular pages used on the site to be the Highlights. (Each time a web
page is accessed user_hits is increased
Ok. I have received help and got it fixed. I didn't have the variables
matching the first query. I haven't done a UNION ALL recently. Thanks.
I am received the error message:
Unknown column 'title' in 'field list'
from the query below. I am not understanding what I have done wrong. The
goal of the query is with for a RSS feed determining the 15 most current
SELECT title, content_date, content, reference FROM ( (
It is in a 'date' column type -MM-DD
> what is the format of the date u are storing ?
> Chaitanya
> On Tue, Apr 13, 2010 at 11:50 AM, Ron Piggott <
> ron.pigg...@actsministries.org> wrote:
>> I am trying to write a mySQL query on m
I am trying to write a mySQL query on my "stats" table. I am trying to
determine the number of records (users) during a 7 day period ending
yesterday. I always to keep it current ... Yesterday will keep changing.
In other words I want to know the number of users who accessed the web
site during
I have done something like you have said below Chris.
I put the code which is common to be loops in it's own file and I did an
-Original Message-
From: chris smith
To: ron.pigg...@actsministries.org
Cc: php-db@lists.php.net
Subject: Re: [PHP-DB] Shopping cart applicatio
I am writing a shopping cart application. I am expanding the application
to have a store membership component.
Right now I am saving the customers selections in one of two ways:
- In the session variable "$_SESSION['order']" if they aren't logged in
- For those who have logged into their account
Is there a way to round up in mySQL? This result may give 3.2 --- so I
want the result to be 4?
SELECT ( count(`reference`) / $items_per_page ) AS total_pages FROM
`store_product_profile` WHERE `store_category_reference` =$reference AND
`live` =1
PHP Database Mailing List (http://www.php.n
From: pretz...@mail.uni-paderborn.de
Reply-to: pretz...@mail.uni-paderborn.de
To: ron@actsministries.org
Subject: Re: [PHP-DB] mysql_close()
Date: Sat, 20 Feb 2010 22:48:22 +0100
On 20.02.2010 22:27, Ron Piggott wrote:
> D
Does mysql_close() close all open database connections?
How would I specify which connection to close?
1 - 100 of 302 matches
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