Thanks for all of your responses  :)

Unfortunately, I could not telnet into the server, nor could I do the
mysql_connect command to get into the old server.

I ended up calling the hosting company today to find out if they
would be willing to create a dump for me, since they had been
unresponsive to my e-mails, and they did.  So I'm happy with that  :)
 Plug  :)


> Date: Tue, 7 Oct 2003 23:53:36 -0700 (PDT)
> From: Trisha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Is it possible to access MySQL table on server A from
> server B? 
> Someone let me use their extra web space so I would have a
> banner-free place to put my site. After their domain name expired,
> they didn't re-register it, and didn't let me know ahead of time. I
> wasn't thinking properly, so I had not created a backup of any of
> the
> tables in my database. 
> I have purchased my own domain now, and am wondering if there is
> any
> kind of code I can execute from my current domain to copy or back
> up
> the tables from the old domain. I believe the database has not yet
> been deleted, since my user account has not been deleted, and all
> of
> the files I've uploaded through FTP are still intact. I've sent
> several e-mails to the company that was providing the shared
> hosting
> package, but did not receive any response, so I don't think they
> will
> help in any way. 
> If anyone could me know if accessing the database on the old server
> from the new server is possible and how to do it, or if I'm just
> plain old SOL, I would greatly appreciate it. 
> Thanks in advance  :)
> Trisha

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