Simple.... do these checks.... and you'll be sweet as a nut



$sql = "SELECT nickname FROM tblUsers WHERE nickname = '$nickname''";
$result = mysql_query($sql);

$sql = "SELECT email FROM tblUsers WHERE email = '$email'";
$result2 = mysql_query($sql);

if (mysql_num_rows($result)){
        $error[] = "That nickname is already chosen";
if (mysql_num_rows($result2)){
        $error[] = "That username is already chosen";

if (!$error){
        // do the inserting here


// you might have this at the top of your form to show the error messages
if ($error){
        echo "<p class=\"msg\">\n";
                echo "$error[$i] . "<br>\n";
        echo "</p>\n";

> Hi all
> I am trying to create a registration area that uses a nickname and email
> pair.
> I need both to be unique.
> So how do I that either do not already exist then if unique insert into
> db.
> So
> if nickname exist then error = "sorry..."
> if email exist then error = "sorry..."
> else must be unique
> insert.
> I have been trying for hours know but cant get the twin check to work.
> Can get single check to work though.
> I thank you in advance for any thoughts or code examples
> Dave Carrera
> Php Developer

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