Hi well maybe this isnt the right place to put a beginners post but I will
find out soon if its not I guess!

Anyway I am as newbie at PHP that one can get. I went to PHP.net for some
resources on how to get started and I downloaded a bunch of zip files and
basically followed their instructions but I am still way confused. Ok I
downloaded the PHP installer, and installed it, and I already had IIS
running under Win XP. So. I thought I had everything done, but then I
noticed that the instructions were for people working under Visual C++. Now
here are my questions:

1. Do I have to work in an environment or can I do it in notepad? Is it
easier to work in MVC++? Any suggestions here?
2. I downloaded all these configuration files and I was told to put them in
a folder called c:\work. Now, how do I get these files to run, and are they
necessary only if working under MVC++?
3. I tried to run the following PHP script, saved it as hello.php in my
inetpub\wwwroot directory (my clientside server directory):

  <title>PHP Test</title>
 <?php echo "<p>Hello World</p>"; ?>

I got the following error?

CGI Error
The specified CGI application misbehaved by not returning a complete set of
HTTP headers. The headers it did return are:

Am I even close to being done with PHP installation or is there a bunch more
configuration to be done?

If anybody can give me some suggestions or resources I will be greatly

Thank you in advance,

Ted Conn

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