From:             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Operating system: Linux 2.2.18, Debian
PHP version:      4.0.6
PHP Bug Type:     Documentation problem
Bug description:  Various documentation suggestions

The PHP manual is of exceptional high quality and the following are mere
suggestions, not real bugs:

* the SWF function section should have a link to the Ming function

* the string function section should have a link to the regexp function

* It should be explained somewhere how one can produce a /usr/local/bin/php
parser for use as an external cgi handler or as standalone script engine.
If it is automatically generated by make, then it didn't turn up in my

* the DBM function section should elaborate a bit on the internal flatfile
database: does it use hashing? is the key or data size restricted?

* the dblist() function doesn't exist for me. I compiled with --with-gdbm.

* the relationship between the DBM and DBA functions should be made
clearer. When should one use which? Do the DBA functions do automatical
locking like the DBM functions? The two should be cross linked at the very

Thanks for a excellent product,
Edit bug report at:

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