From:             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Operating system: FreeBSD 4.4-RELEASE
PHP version:      4.1.1
PHP Bug Type:     Compile Failure
Bug description:  Compiling error with FreeBSD 4.4-STABLE

Earlier, it was working... but now, after typing "./configure --with-mysql
--with-apache=../apache_1.3.22 --enable-track-vars", it compiles some
files, then say:

reentrancy.c: In function `php_readdir_r':
reentrancy.c:130: too few arguments to function `readdir_r'
*** Error code 1
Stop in /usr/home/dark/php-4.1.1/main.
*** Error code 1
Stop in /usr/home/dark/php-4.1.1/main.
*** Error code 1
Stop in /usr/home/dark/php-4.1.1.

But the think I don't understand... it was working perfectly earlier....

Help me out!!!
Edit bug report at:

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