From:             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Operating system: Linux
PHP version:      4.0.6
PHP Bug Type:     InterBase related
Bug description:  ibase_fetch_row function chokes on null column values

It seems that, if there is a NULL field at the end of a query string, or
TWO or more NULL fields in the MIDDLE of the QUERY string, ibase_fetch_row
just DROPS the nulls, and any column data that follows them. For exampe, if
I have a table with the columns: FNAME, LNAME, MI, PREFIX, SUFFIX, DOB,
IF MI, PREFIX, and SUFFIX all allow NULL values, and all are null, a SELECT
* on this table would only return TWO values: FNAME and LNAME. It would
leave out the PASSWORD!

This is VERY BAD. It SHOULD return (like in any normal SQL query) null
values for any null fields, and NOT skip or stop at any columns, just
because the data is null.

So . . . I have to populate every field with a default null value (a space,
or the word "null", for example), if I want to make sure not to miss column
date when I do a SELECT statement using ibase_fetch_row.

If anyone knows a way around this, an explanation, or any other ideas,
please post them.
   Thanks, Steve
Edit bug report at:

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