From:             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Operating system: Windows
PHP version:      4.0.5
PHP Bug Type:     ODBC related
Bug description:  Problem connecting to Oracle

On Windows NT 4 and IIS PHP, from version 4 to the latest, is encountering a problem 
connecting remote Oracle using ODBC. When tring to connect to a DB using the alias 
defined in the file TNSNAMES.ORA also Oracle and OCI8 functions are doing the same.

The problem is that, when using Oracle client version 7.3.4, the file SQLNET.ORA needs 
to be saved in Unix text format to get a connection to a DB defined in TNSNAMES.ORA, 
which needs to be saved the same way to get connected when using Oracle client 8.

I know it is not a severe bug, but if you look at the bug reporting and in many PHP 
mailing lists you'll find a lot of people reporting problems connecting to Oracle from 
PHP on Windows, at the risk of lowering the trust in the use of PHP in commercial or 
enterprise applications.

Please fix it ASAP.

Edit Bug report at:

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