From:             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Operating system: Linux Mandrake 8
PHP version:      4.0.6
PHP Bug Type:     Sybase (dblib) related
Bug description:  sybase_query returns 1 regardless of delete success

When trying to delete a record that Sybase will not allow to be deleted
because of referential integrity constraints, sybase_query returns 1. When
the record can be deleted successfully, the return code is also 1.

// Delete record with referential integrity constraint
$strSQL = "delete from MyTable where MyId=3";
$iResult = sybase_query($strSQL, $iLink );
echo "Query Result: $iResult";  // Displays 1

// Delete record without referential integrity constraint
$strSQL = "delete from MyTable where MyId=4";
$iResult = sybase_query($strSQL, $iLink );
echo "Query Result: $iResult";  // Displays 1, too

We use Sybase ASE 11.9.2 on a Linux Mandrake 8 Box.
We have tried several times to run sybase-ct instead of the dblib, but
could never make it work.

Our current configure line:

./configure \
--with-apxs=/usr/sbin/apxs \
--with-pear \
--with-gd=yes \
--with-tiff-dir=/usr/local \
--with-png-dir=/usr/local \
--with-jpeg-dir=/usr/local \
--with-ttf=/usr/src/freetype-1.3.1 \
--with-zlib \
--with-xml \
--with-ftp \
--with-mcal=../libmcal \
--with-imap=/usr/local \
--with-sybase=/opt/sybase-11.9.2 \
--with-mysql=/usr \
--with-mcrypt=/usr/local \
--with-mhash \
--with-pdflib \
--with-zlib-dir=/usr/local \
--with-fdftk=../fdftk \
--with-config-file-path=/etc/httpd/conf \
--enable-versioning \

We use both PHP3 and PHP4 as apache modules; it's a test server, we need it
that way.

Please contact me asap if you need more information.

Edit bug report at:

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