ID: 15035
Updated by: sander
Old Status: Open
Status: Bogus
Bug Type: Apache2 related
Operating System: win 2000 pro
PHP Version: 4.1.1
New Comment:

The apache modules are appearently not compatible with different
versions. You should wait until the final version is out or stick with

Ask further support questions on the appropriate mailinglist.

Previous Comments:

[2002-01-14 18:31:02] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Well, i just set up the Apache2 ( i know its a beta ) but the Server
cant load the PHP modul whatever i use. No php4apache.dll or
php4apache2.dll ( i dont know the difference between the
php4apache2.dll, maybe should work with the Apache2 ;) )

Well its tells me follows, if i try to lunch Apache2 with the
php4apache2.dll as modul :

Apache.exe : module
"C:\php4-build\php4\SAPI\APACHE2FILTER\sapi_apche2.c" is not compatible
with this version of Apache

by the way i did installed PHP in C:\PHP :)
and with the old php4apache.dll it didnt work <-- mybe there some dll's
not in the package ? because he cant load the module in the Apache ...

Hope someone has this Problem figured out ;)

Sorry about that english, im german :)


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