From:             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Operating system: RedHat 7.0 Linux Standard
PHP version:      4.0.4pl1
PHP Bug Type:     Unknown/Other Function
Bug description:  Passing Multilayered Objects, by Reference, to Independent 


The example that follows this little description should, as far as my understanding of 
PHP goes, demonstrate proper passing of multilayered objects, by reference, to 
independent sub-objects.  The more understandable description, there exists a 
super-class that has two sub-classes.  The first sub-class, upon construction, is 
linked to the second sub-class (via a parameter passed to the first class' 
constructor).  The first sub-class' constructor sets a variable, local to that first 
sub-class, to be a reference to the second sub-class.  The second sub-class is 
comprised only of a variable that will be changed by functionality defined in the 
first sub-class.

The first code snippet does not function properly.  It seems that the first sub-class 
does not truly create a reference, but creates a copy of the second sub-class (as it 
exists upon construction of the first sub-class).  Therefore, it can not be changed, 
only read.

The second code snippet functions properly and implements what I label a hack around.  
This code snippet accesses the second sub-class within the constructor of the first 
sub-class.  In other words, it seems that PHP does not create a reference, unless 
something within that reference is accessed within the function defining the 
reference.  <<Confusing, ain't it.>>

Please tell me if there is a more "correct" solution, or if I'm simply confused to 
oblivion. =)


        class Test0_t
                var $oTest1;
                var $oTest2;

                function Test0_t ()
                        $this->oTest1 = new Test1_t($this);
                        $this->oTest2 = new Test2_t();

        class Test1_t
                var $oLnk;

                function Test1_t ( &$_oLnk )
                        $this->oLnk = &$_oLnk;

                function Test ()

        class Test2_t {
                var $nVal;

                function Test2_t ()
                        $this->nVal = 0;

        $oTest0 = new Test0_t();




        class Test0_t
                var $oTest1;
                var $oTest2;

                function Test0_t ()
                        $this->oTest2 = new Test2_t();
                        $this->oTest1 = new Test1_t($this);

        class Test1_t
                var $oLnk;

                function Test1_t ( &$_oLnk )
                        $this->oLnk = &$_oLnk;

                function Test ()

        class Test2_t {
                var $nVal;

                function Test2_t ()
                        $this->nVal = 0;

                function Test ()

        $oTest0 = new Test0_t();



Thank you,
-Andrew Immerman

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