
I have a question for the authors of the mysql extension. I'm sure you
gentlemen are very busy, but I'd appreciate your insight if you can
spare a moment. I'm developing a stand-alone php application running in
an infinite loop from the command line interface. A mysql database is
polled continually for new rows to deal with. The same query is executed
several times in one second. I've noticed that whether or not a query
resource is freed the next query identifier returned from mysql_query()
is ++ the last one. I'm sure this is by design and governed by the mysql
driver. Naturally I'm concerned about integer overflow when the the
application has been running uninterrupted for a very long time. I don't
think I can wait around while a test script runs to see what happens
after 4,294,967,295 is exceeded though! Can anyone tell me with
certainty or hazard a guess what might happen here? I thank you very
much for your time.


ps - I'm doing this through PEAR::DB::mysql
Matt Flaherty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Boltblue International Ltd.

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