
I would like to create a dynamic mulitple-choise - Form, in which the
filenames, included in a subdirectory (e.g. imgstand) are listed as the
Option-vale "value" and the modification-date of the file is shown in
the HTML-page as date for selection of the user.

If a user choise one or more values form the form and press the
"Submit-Button", the script "show.phtml" should show the selected
pictures. This runs very well at this time.

The only problem is, that my following script only shows one date (IMO:
of the first value (.)), and not create the date of each file.

My Developing-System is Winnt/Apache/PHP3x but the www.server is
linux/PHP4.x of course !

The error is on both systems the same.

Who can help ?


Here is my phtml-Page and the included script:


                <meta http-equiv="content-type"

                <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="2"
                                <td>Aktuelle Meldungen</td>
                                <td>Bilder von fr&uuml;her</td>

<FORM name="pictures" method=POST action="show.phtml">
$handle=opendir('imgstand'); // Name of the subdirectory, where the
files are
while ($dvzinhalt=readdir($handle))
$datei[]= "$dvzinhalt";
<select name='selection[]'  multiple size=<?printf(count($datei))
// for multipleselection-counter

for ($i=0; $i<count($datei); $i++)
// "value" should be the filename for the array selection[] to
echo "<OPTION value=$datei[$i]>";
// get unix-timestamp form each file in subdirectory
// change date for normal people
$datum=date("j. F Y", $unixdatum);
echo "$datum";
</select><input type='submit' name='OK'></td>


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