[PHP] GD support on PHP 4.3.8

2004-10-23 Thread E SA
Hi, I am trying to compile PHP with GD support. My config line is: ./configure --prefix=/data/PHP\ --with-config-file=/etc/php.ini\ --disable-debug --enable-safe-mode\ --with-mysql=/data/MySQL_4.0.21\ --with-openssl=/data/OpenSSL\ --with-apxs2=/data/Apache/bin/apxs\ --with-gd\ --w

Re: [PHP] Make cron file

2004-09-28 Thread E SA
Juan, Are you trying to do so from inside a PHP script? If that is the case, you could do: $entry = "$min $h $d $m $s $command $comment"; $added = system ("echo $entry >> /var/spool/cron/tabs/$user", $retval); if ($retval) { echo "success"; } else { echo "failure"; } Please notice th